fryx, queen ursa, and schnee created by dr.bubblebum

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  • Comments
  • Hold up, "Wolperpowder"? It's not made from actual Wolpertingers is it? If so then it really explains why they are so rare and hidden. It might also explain why Copper is hesitant & regretful around Clover. Especially given the possible means they had to do to get this "powder" to begin with.

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  • shunka_warakin said:
    Really runs his mouth rather a lot for someone posing as a 'prince.'

    I mean, if he's still a young prince, he's probably got the attitude of usual young royalty, ie, so used to always getting their way that they get hostile at the slightest resistance.

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  • Even young royalty are expected to maintain some degree of decorum, particularly outside of the protections of their own domain and when confronted by other royalty.

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