dasher blitzen created by hunterramirez
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Promo reference Sheet

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  • Ooh another ridiculously edgy reference sheet!

    >Likes: Christmas
    >Dislikes: Bible-thumpers, holidays that aren't Christmas

    I love how desperate these traits are. You literally have a dislike being the exact opposite of a like. And really? "Bible thumper?" Gotta love those completely rando traits that just make the character look like some raging idiot. This sheet looks like it was made by some angsty teenage Reddit user who stole his mom's credit card to get a commission.

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  • Thatcommentovadere said:
    Ooh another ridiculously edgy reference sheet!

    >Likes: Christmas
    >Dislikes: Bible-thumpers, holidays that aren't Christmas

    I love how desperate these traits are. You literally have a dislike being the exact opposite of a like. And really? "Bible thumper?" Gotta love those completely rando traits that just make the character look like some raging idiot. This sheet looks like it was made by some angsty teenage Reddit user who stole his mom's credit card to get a commission.

    If you think this is 'ridiculously edgy' this must be like the first reference sheet you've ever seen and also he's a big gay reindeer

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  • The_Flamingo_Trigger said:
    If you think this is 'ridiculously edgy' this must be like the first reference sheet you've ever seen and also he's a big gay reindeer

    No, I've definitely seen and commented on other reference sheets before. There are tons of them with normal likes and dislikes that don't try to make the character seem hyper-unique. And yeah, I know he's a reindeer. His name is a really creative mashup of three of Santa's reindeer's names.

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  • Thatcommentovadere said:
    No, I've definitely seen and commented on other reference sheets before. There are tons of them with normal likes and dislikes that don't try to make the character seem hyper-unique. And yeah, I know he's a reindeer. His name is a really creative mashup of three of Santa's reindeer's names.

    Never implied it was even remotely clever, just sayin there's nothing 'edgy' about pushing the lame Christmas theme unless you consider not liking "bible thumpers" to be some sort of attack on Christians

    There are like a billion ref sheets featuring obnoxious fursonas with devil wings and spikes/blades sticking out of their bodies alongside a set of likes/dislikes that would make a satanic juggalo blush

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  • The_Flamingo_Trigger said:
    Never implied it was even remotely clever, just sayin there's nothing 'edgy' about pushing the lame Christmas theme unless you consider not liking "bible thumpers" to be some sort of attack on Christians

    There are like a billion ref sheets featuring obnoxious fursonas with devil wings and spikes/blades sticking out of their bodies alongside a set of likes/dislikes that would make a satanic juggalo blush

    It's not that the commissioner doesn't like "Bible thumpers," it's just that to put something so random on a commission sheet when there is nothing else even remotely relating to it usually means the person has some weirdly extreme, obnoxious views about that thing.

    It's like when sheets have a list of dislikes that goes "Chocolate, , cold, greasy foods, cats, liberals/conservatives." It's such a random, out-of-place generalization that you can usually tell the person has some ignorant, rabidly dogmatic beliefs about that thing. You usually see/hear this stuff from edgy teens online, which is why I mentioned that in my original comment. I also don't get what all the other stupid ref sheets you mentioned have to do with anything. So just because there's a ton of garbage sheets, that means I can't criticize individual ones for being garbage anymore?

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