pembe created by nightfaux
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Pembe - By Nightfaux

Pembe is a tomboy in the extreme, more at home under the hood of her car than just about anywhere else in her home. Weekends are for the track, shopping means the speed parts store, and nothing gets her excited quite like a fresh set of tires, or the 3-2 downshift burble of an angry, snorting v8. She was mistakenly ended up marrying someone she hardly knew at 17, then had her first child at 19. The skunk spent the next 15 years playing housewife. Her really rather unwanted husband up and left her when her daughter was 15, but that ended up really being for the best. Her daughter is now 19 and moved out on her own though they of course keep in touch.

Her rather large breasts have never stopped lactating, and she pumps them daily to keep them from getting swollen and uncomfortable. She, of course, is always amenable to accepting a bit of help with them...

Art © nightfaux
Char © resua

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