benjamin heche created by dreadwolfclaw1990
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Name: Benjamin Heche
Nickname: Jimmy, Ben, Jim, Benny
Age: 23

Height: 5'11
Weight: 312lbs

Personality: brash, headstrong, short tempered (Don't bad talk his dad), protective, stubborn, goofy, brave

Likes: coffee, chocolate, sports, sci fi books, movies, exercise,

Dislikes: smoking, fearfulness, intolerance, heights, pranks

History: Son of the legendary Apex Champion "The King" and to a broken father, Bejamin had one goal. Restoring respect to his family name. Their lineage is tied back to a family tree of warriors. Family members who had served and died in service of Ustana. Benjamin looked up to his father in that regard. Scorned his mother for ever abandoning them when she couldn't take his father's episodes. In late nights he earns prestige in the ring winning each match feeling the thrill of battle flowing within him. His brutal fighting style earned him the name of "King Lethal." He can also be seen getting into scuffles at the slightest disrespect to his father or his family entirely. Jasper, his girlfriend is usually around to keep him in check to manage his frustrations however. His reasoning for entering the tournament is simple and pretty much self explanatory. Should he win he will succeed in that goal. Maybe even turn his gaze to Xallam to be a legend there. He just need to get through the "Lord of Savagery."

Artist's notes: When I came up with Benjamin I wanted to originally make him my "jock good guy" character. Making being Bastian's best friend. With the restructure I want himto be this sort of underdog that isn't afraid to be brutal in his fights who can prove he can hit as harder than the average predator. A sort of Apollo Creed (Rocky series to the uninitiated).

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