buto the naga created by ikakins
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Buto the Naga

Name: Buto

Height: Her standing torso height is roughly 6 feet or 1.8m tall. Her entire body length is close to 15 feet or 4.5m.

Bio: Buto was discovered in an unmarked sarcophagus and seemed to be perfectly preserved. She awoke not long after it was opened and remembered very little of what happened before she was put into it. However, she has no nagging desire to learn about what happened "back then", she finds the present and the future far more exciting and spends much of her time reading whatever she can get her hands on. She, however, was without a name for some time until she discovered an old name that essentially meant "the green one".

Detail boxes:

Upper left: Buto is from an older race of "true" Naga where their biology renders them larger and their organs equally balanced through their entire body, as is true for a snake. As a result, she retains the serpent-like cloaca and the dual clitoris. This opening is located a bit higher up her body from where her mechanical hand is gripping her covered tail.

Middle Left: Buto sports a strange second head that is on a neck swivel that originates just below both her shoulder blades. While it is at rest, it sits upon her back similar to a shell, but when active, it extends out on a telescopic neck that, logically, contains greater length and mass than should be in either the head or Buto's body. Buto has control over it just as you have control over your arms or fingers. That said, it has the unique ability to instantly read an entire person through their core and deduce what their personality is truly like. It's a reflex for the head to look at someone for a second or two, then retract when she first meets them, and once it does, Buto knows said person's intentions and how trustworthy they are. She has come to call this her "true sight" and it has allowed her to make friends very quickly and avoid unpleasant people. She can see AND hear through the golden head and, sometimes, she can swear she can tell if someone has just told a lie...

Bottom Left: Being of the "True Naga" bloodline, Buto sports no genitals where most humanoids would have their hips. However, she does keep the area clothed and covered. This is because the area contains thermal markings meant to express either desire to a sexual partner or great wrath at a rival. Buto, being a true Naga, has heat sensors around her lips and can "see" a thermal grid on others. Should a Naga be sexually desiring of their partner, they will uncover the markings and her thermal sight would render them a dark red. Should the Naga be angry, they are such a hot pink that they obscure the vision and make it unpleasant to look at, just as you or I would want to avert your eyes from a bright light. Should she uncover her torso, she either really like you or you're about to be on the receiving end of one of the most severe beatings of your life.

Upper Right: Buto's right arm is completely mechanical, as is the golden head, yet there does not seem to be any need for maintenance. Any scratches, dents, or even cuts seem to "heal" and the parts are warm to the touch, like the rest of her flesh.

Middle Right: Buto, despite being a True Naga, has breasts with nipples. She does not know if she would give birth to live young or lay eggs, and does not know if she would lactate to feed them, but if she did lactate, it would indicate she has traits of her predecessors having intermingled with other non-naga species. However, she's not in any hurry to start a family so the jury is out.

Lower Right: Being a True Naga, Buto retains her serpent characteristics. This includes her tongue, jacobson's organ, and windpipe in the floor of her mouth. She has fangs, though she hasn't tried to produce venom. However, she CAN dislocate her jaw and her entire body IS capable of consuming objects much larger than her head. However she prefers more civil meals, though may turn many folks off as she not only will flick her tongue along everything she is going to eat, she lacks chewing teeth and swallows her bites whole.

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