neomi (titanic) created by helaviskrew
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Down With The Titanic (Digestion)

So many people learn of how the Titanic was sunk by a stray iceburg that punctured the ship. Well yes the disaster did happen, but it was actually a lot different of a story. See the real story involves a large sexy shark. They ran into a large hungry shark Neomi and Neomi decided that the "unsinkable" ship would make for a nice large meal. Of course it seems it might have been unsinkable by ocean standards, but not by hungry digestive stomach standards. It seems to have sunk pretty fast after her stomach acids began to dissolve the boat and the poor thousands of people that fell into those hungry acids some digestig immediately and some lasting some seconds before there lives were claimed. Seems that the unsinkable ship became nothing more than a hearty meal! I don't believe Neomi is complaining at all though.....

The amazing artist who everyone should definetely watch: HelavisKrew

The sexy shark belongs to me and the poor passengers are on there maiden voyage through a sharkie digestive tract. <3

Thanks all for viewing.

  • Comments
  • I kept telling myself "There better not be a Titanic tag, there better not be a Titanic tag..."

    But when I looked and saw it: "Oh, goddamnit!"

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  • user_277504 said:
    I kept telling myself "There better not be a Titanic tag, there better not be a Titanic tag..."

    But when I looked and saw it: "Oh, goddamnit!"

    And it’s under “copyright”..

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