created by newd
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  • Well the thing to remember is that there are many different types of yoga. For example:

    -If Ms. Bear there were to try it, it would be regular yoga.

    -Ms. Cat there is practicing low-fat yoga.

    -Now if they got an animated skeleton involved, it would be no-fat yoga.

    -And finally, if they all did it together while balancing bananas on their buttocks, that would be yoga with fruit on the bottom.

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  • Mr.Mimic said:
    Well the thing to remember is that there are many different types of yoga. For example:

    -If Ms. Bear there were to try it, it would be regular yoga.

    -Ms. Cat there is practicing low-fat yoga.

    -Now if they got an animated skeleton involved, it would be no-fat yoga.

    -And finally, if they all did it together while balancing bananas on their buttocks, that would be yoga with fruit on the bottom.

    I saw what you did there. Good job! Oh yeah, And if it is outside in the snow it is frozen yoga or fro-yo.

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