nintendo and etc created by jarlium
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  • As a landlord for several properties, I can't tell you how many times quite a few have offered their buns as payment. I rather give them discounted pricing but if we're friends, then why not give them opportunity to say "Yeah, my landlord eats my ass"?

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  • teemotheyiffer said:
    As a landlord for several properties, I can't tell you how many times quite a few have offered their buns as payment. I rather give them discounted pricing but if we're friends, then why not give them opportunity to say "Yeah, my landlord eats my ass"?

    Sounds like you're rather kind.

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  • teemotheyiffer said:
    As a landlord for several properties, I can't tell you how many times quite a few have offered their buns as payment. I rather give them discounted pricing but if we're friends, then why not give them opportunity to say "Yeah, my landlord eats my ass"?

    I need to find a landlord like you

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