out-of-placers created by tersethra
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Commission for Monti_Montecarlo : Assault for Insult - by Tersethra ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tersethra/ )

Zhe Monti_Montecarlo Snow-lougar has been drinking again! A few too many beers.... a few loose words to a yinglet matriarch in passing... and Monti has now got himself....... correction!!.... HERself... into a spot of trouble!!

Never be patronizing or condescending to zhe wrong yinglet. You might find yourself in Monti's situation!!....

(But zhen... I bet a lot of you out zhere would like zhat, ... wouldn't you??? ;) .. is okay... I understand well. ;) )

Zhis was a fun one to stream... everyone got to watch me paint rocks... :P

If you are interested in watching one of my streams I stream at https://picarto.tv/tersethra

(Yinglet character design is the creation of valsalia . Please check out Val's web comic "Out-of-Placers" here on FA, or at http://www.valsalia.com , or at

https://www.patreon.com/valsalia/ )

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