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  • Gallus domesticus is the species name for the common chicken. Gallus gallus is the species it emerged from, the red junglefowl

    "Gallus gallus domesticus" is thus another way of saying "chicken".

    And while there is some truth to avians being descended from raptors, it's unlikely any sort of genetic modification of the chicken genome short of flat-out atavism (read: rewinding the evolutionary record) will produce a raptor.

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  • neyex said:
    Hmm. i think your wrong on that one, the biggest differences between the dinosaurs and common birds is what parts of their DNA are activated, they should have everything necessary to be a dinosaur.

    The issue is that "activating" the rest of the DNA wouldn't mean much in the short term unless you start getting heavy into biosculpting. At best the reactivated DNA would do jack, and at worst cause a lethal disorder because it impacts a vital system and can't be expressed with the physiology the creature has at that time.

    DNA is generally "deactivated" for a reason. See also snails consistently becoming slugs.

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