buck and meadow created by angart (artist)

An Unexpected Blessing page 11

The struggle is real. and I'm not just talking about poor Meadow's labor.

I wasn’t sure how long to drag out the birth scene, but in the end found it best to keep it short and simple. I think one panel is enough to show what’s going on.

This was an important page to get the color right, and after a few attempts we finally got what I was envisioning.

Some of you may think to yourself that the midwife looks familiar. I did an art piece nearly 3 years ago now with this rabbit in a kitchen.

Poor Buck. Its so hard to believe that not too long ago men weren't allowed in the room during the birth. How difficult is must be to hear everything but not able to be there to comfort the wife. And the poor wife! no comfort from the husband!

And suddenly, the door opens. and my, what a bright and encouraging smile the midwife has!

  • Comments
  • NooOOo, I wanted the birth to be more graphic! 💔
    Still good job, glad she was able to deliver without problems 💕.

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