breeder queen and vodka kovalevski created by xpray
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  • Comments
  • "Clearly, they don't want to breed. This shouldn't be happening!"

    I want to specifically point out that line for so many reasons. It just says so much.

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  • Ghadius said:
    "Clearly, they don't want to breed. This shouldn't be happening!"

    I want to specifically point out that line for so many reasons. It just says so much.

    ummmm explain what it says specifically; cuz ur leaving that sentence to the imagination, and my imagination is just going lol all over the place

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  • Two in 1 day!? Must be a Pre-Easter gift!
    Also, 5 minutes of sleep and you alrdy look 9 months pregnant? Damn, thats what i call reproductive.

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  • bakeneko said:
    I wonder if they can fly, they look way too heavy for the wings they have.

    thunderman5000 said:
    So do bees

    "According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a breeder should be able to fly.

    Its wings are too small to get its big, muscled body off the ground.

    The breeder, of course, flies anyway.

    Because breeders don't care what furries think is impossible."

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