inkanyamba, jajuka, and kyle (the elder scrolls and etc) created by inkanyamba (artist)
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It was a quiet night for my argonian, in his living room, resting, reading, just one more day in his daily routine. But this time it was going to be a little different.

The streets were silent until suddenly cries were heard relatively close to him. The cries lasted a few seconds. It was weird, but he did not worry too much. Maybe that was his mistake. He kept resting, accompanied by a soft breeze coming through the window. But of course, it was not the only thing.

Two colossal snakes slid silently into the room. No sound was perceptible to my lizard. Their smooth scales slid like water. The floor was no longer visible as predators entered, two massive scaly bodies occupied the entire surface. My boy was too distracted reading on the couch. The place became a dangerous trap of thick, heavy coils that slid between themselves in unison, like tentacles. Until, a couple of bright eyes rose from the other end of the couch, over his feet. The giant and disturbing eyes of Inkanyamba, with a supernatural glow, penetrating deeply into the mind of the argonian, injecting terror in him. Then he realized that this room no longer belonged to him, it had been invaded, he was the intruder in the new lair of the beasts. He did not know how to react. Maybe it was too shocking for him, almost suffering a catatonic state in his mind and forced to look at the threatening look of the snake without being able to move a single muscle in such a sudden situation, and yet, Inkanyamba was not his only concern here. Over the argonian's head Jajuka rose, watching him, with a chilling smile.

The lizard finally reacted, tried to sit up slowly without alerting or startling his predators too much, but they were one step ahead. A cascade of heavy coils fell softly on him, imprisoning him beneath their massive bodies and incapacitating him from any action he attempted to do.

"Where you think you're going"? asked Jajuka, without losing his smile.

He was already trapped, the scales adapted to his body perfectly with an extraordinary and cold softness, the coils were formed around his feet, sliding over his legs to the waist, enveloping his body and using him at their will, as if he was a toy for them.

"This-s-s is over for you, every inch of you belongs to us now" Inkanyamba said

"Yess-s, do not worry about anything, we will do everything for you, we accept your surrender" accompanied Jajuka

"D-don't... Don’t do this to me... P-please... I will do and I will give you everything you want..." the argonian supplicated front of Jajuka's creepy, soft laughter. The snake got closer to him, hissing right in front of him, the tongue caressing his lips, before answering:

"Shhhhh, do not worry, we're already taking what we want from you. You should be happy, you're going to be part of us, now, don't talk and save your oxygen, you'll soon need it"

Instantly after his words, the coils of both predators surrounding the lizard began to squeeze. He could feel each and every one of the scales that were crushing his body, organs and bones. He felt cold, the death was embracing him, or at least it was what he thought. His chest was sinking and his lungs were compressing. Inkanyamba was fully aware of his breathing. And she wanted to play. She slid over his body and landed right in front of the argonian, resting over his coiled chest.

"Tell me, little one, is-s it too tight for you?" Inkanyamba asked, as the pressure gradually increased.

"I propose you something. If you are able to stand fully conscious at our will in four tests... This will be quick for you, but if not..." Slowly Inkanyamba opened her mouth, her tongue resting in her sheath, hundreds of saliva droplets falling from the jaw, and the darkness was born from the depths of her throat. She let the argonian witness the beginning of his fate if he failed. She closed her mouth gently, she looked at Jajuka, both smiled, and focused their gazes on their prey.

“Let's play” they said.

The coils of both snakes around his legs tightened enormously, the pain was unbearable, the blood did not circulate to his limbs. The pressure brought his muscles to the limit, weakening them, rendering them unable to flex. My boy tried to struggle in pain without success, wrapped under the heavy bodies of the beasts. He clenched his teeth and fists with all the strength and anger possible, wasting his energy. It was just a few seconds that it felt like hours to him. He managed to resist that test, except that his legs were completely asleep due to lack of bloodflow.

"Well done, toy" said Jajuka before starting the next test, this time a little higher; his neck.

His windpipe closed instantly, the embrace of the predator’s around his throat was extreme from the first second. Breathing was impossible for him, at the same time that he was trying to beg them, saying words without air, just moving his lips, supplication expressed in faint wheezes. His blue eyes turned bloodshot, rolling up in their sockets. Choking tears of agony slid down his cheeks. The lizard was desperately trying to stop the absolute domination of the snakes, trying to dig his nails into their thick and smooth scales without success, barely he just tickling them to their pleasure. The wheezes turned more and more inaudible with each second, his vision fading out slowly. The monsters stared at him, enjoying his suffering, I'm sure that they could feel how his life was slipping away. A smaller, weaker creature would have expired there - the argonian was lucky to have a more robust physique than most, and by a hair’s breadth he survived the second test, exhausted, gasping for air as the pressure abated at the last second.

"I'm really impressed~ You felt it? You felt that moment in which your mind was about to fade away? I've seen it in your eyes-s-s" Inkanyamba said smiling, caressing her lips with her tongue before starting the next test.

Their eyes focused on the coiled chest of the exhausted lizard, before twisting and crushing him to limits indescribable. The pressure of the coils was even audible, like leather stretching, the constrictive muscles squeezing his chest and arms. His ribs groaned, his body trembled, his gaze was losing focus. The adrenaline only gave him strength to struggle in vain under their control. His lungs gradually stopped their function. Several pops were heard under the coils, joints pushed to their limits giving away as his body was compacted by the constrictors. The suffocating torture defeated my boy, with a full-body shudder he fell unconscious in that tight scaly prison. He didn't make it, and Inkanyamba will now have her reward. Alive and conscious.

“Poor little one... he will wish that everything was over now” Jajuka whispered.

Inkanyamba's coils focused on his sternum, pressing down at his chest and heart, exerting incredibly effective chest compressions on him. No doubt it was not the first time he revived a fallen victim in her embrace. Who knows how much suffering her endless coils caused to other preys. After a few seconds the lizard woke up again, weak and defeated.

"How incredibly disappointing, little toy, I expected more from you. Now, it’s my turn. Trus-st in me, relax-x and enjoy your trip to your new home~" she said before opening her mouth and approaching the defenseless body of the lizard.

His look could not be described with words. He had suffered a horrible torture, they had played with him, death has embraced him harshly and even then, there was an even worse outcome for his life inside the serpent. Inkanyamba began by his feet, her lower jaw hooking under his heels and sliding up under his calves, the coils enveloping him relaxing and widening over her head, as Jajuka’s body behind his head propped him up, allowing him to look into his predator’s cruelly smiling eyes as she consumes him. His legs started kicking inside her wet warm maw, slowly and weakly, as primal fear started filling his body. Gradually, the giant anaconda’s lips advance up over his legs, his feet pressed together and seized by her gullet, passing into it, getting compressed and pulled down and into her, as his faint struggles intensify helplessly, shivering and shuddering among the massive snake coils. As Inkanyamba advanced her swallowing, his legs were pulled into her inescapably, his body pulled down and only held in place by the coils still around him, she opened maw wide, shadow casting over my boy as his wide open eyes looked into it, saw his legs disappear into her gullet to never be seen again, and faint panicked whimpering was heard from him.

His body continued sliding easily into that claustrophobic fleshy jail, the jaws of the giant serpent closing around his upper body as soon as the coils released it, trapping his arms to his sides. His incoherent begging and whimpering peaked, his panic grew so much so, that his almost defeated body turned over almost on its own, so the argonian now could see for last time what was once his home, the light on the sun, the freedom, as Inkanyamba’s lips sealed around his neck from behind. Released from her coils, weakened and nearly eaten whole, he did not give up, tried to hold himself against any part of her throat. Somehow, he still retained some faith

Jajuka slithered in front of his eyes as Inkanyamba’s lips opened and her throat pulled his body into her again, watching the lizard fade as it entered the darkness of Inkanyamba's maw. Only his head was still visible, in sight of Jajuka. He knew a way to welcome him in a more dominating way still. Jajuka’s lips pressed at the argonian's muzzle, kissing him inside Inkanyamba's mouth, his long forked tongue slipping out and hooking around his head and keeping a steady gaze with him. Inkanyamba helped him holding his chin steady with her tongue. Jajuka’s eyes became colorful spirals that the lizard could not help but look helplessly into. Large and deep eyes that demanded all the victim's attention against his will.

"Rest, this has just started... No more struggle, no more fight, no more resistance... No more hope."

His mind changed, he was like... gone, sleep, relaxed, hypnotized... His mind was full of hisses and soft inaudible words that have bound it to prevent him from making even the most minimal effort to escape Inkanyamba's inner muscles, assuring that his own weight alone would lead him to his fate, even if she stopped swallowing him down. Finally, with a soft wet gulp, the lizard’s head sunk backward through the soft supple mawsflesh, and out of Jajuka’s sight, into Inkanyamba, completely hypnotized, his body sliding easily into her wet interior, a prison of darkness, flesh and viscosity.

"Enjoy your trip, little one. You have been fun. Now, you belong to me~"

Her gullet conformed to him, every inch of him covered in the hungering folds of flesh. He was nothing more than a bulge squirming down through her coils, for now. His fate was about to arrive. Several long smothering minutes later, the compressive push and pull of the giant snake’s gullet stopped, and the lizard came to rest still among the soft flesh. Several seconds later, after catching what little breath there was, he started to feel a whole new thing against his scales - itching, and soon after, burning. At this moment he regained his sanity, and he knew where he was, he knew it was his end, what he did not know is how long and painful would be his ending. As the walls of the enormous predator’s stomach started shifting around him, pressing at him and rubbing him all over in the digestive fluids, filling every crevice and absorbing his motions, the argonian barely lasted a couple of seconds in silence, before his grunts and whimpers turned to groans, and soon, to shouts of pain. The faint desperate screaming could just be heard from outside, as a faint bulge was writhing in the heaviest part of Inkanyamba's body, her merciless stomach keading and softly grinding around him like a piece of food he was, the mechanical motions disregarding his despair, while she rested next to her partner and friend Jajuka, allowing hit to caress her stomach. For them, the fun was all but over, but the argonian... For him, it was only the beginning of his last test~

  • Comments
  • I wouldn't mind if those snakes would get punished for their crimes at one point, it's one thing that they eat people to survive, and it's a whole another that they enjoy torturing them. :(

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