dominic oren created by dominic oren (artist)

The Toll of War

Story and Art by Dominic Oren


" How long have you been doing this..." said the breathless and bloody man slumped on the floor. He was alone, bleeding out profusedly in some dark alleyway far below the neon lights of the place he called home. In front of him stood a figure. Tall and dark, silent and careful.

" How long do you think you can do it for...breaking your body over and over and over again..."

He coughed violently, blood spewing on the floor.

" None of this matters...

"...Not anymore. Not for long. "

His defeated eyes looked up to the figure, whose own outline resembled that of an equine. A stallion.

" We're running out of time...dragging through every day, closer and closer to the end. All we have...all we'll ever this."

He weakly pointed to his chest, a large hole right in the middle of it. Caused by the smoking barrel of the handgun the stallion was holding.

" The end. It's all that matters. "

The man looked to the floor and chuckled, blood drooling from his mouth.

" We all gotta die for somethin'."

His vibrant blue eyes slowly focused on the stallions own dark and iris's.

" I know what I'm dyin' for. I know what's real.."

He paused, breathing slowly.

" Do you?"

Those were his last words before Dominic emptied a final round into the broken man.

Leaving himself alone...

He had nothing but silence now.

Silence...and the lingering words of a dead man...

  • Comments
  • Don't trust anyone who dies. He/She has nothing to lose and will only lie to you. And will lie to himself/herself.
    Lying and badgering.

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