twilight sparkle (friendship is magic and etc) created by badumsquish
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We going full potato on this one :D

In case you don't know, Thundercats Roar controversy

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  • I really don't get what's the big deal, they made them different, so what? they are aiming to get a new generation to like them, 2011 didn't work for that generation and we had our thundercats 34 years ago (damn it's old) a lot has changed, kids don't like the same stuff than we did, let them have their silly potatos. Personally I find them interesting and am eager to watch it

    Anon_e-moose said:
    Give it another ten years, stick figures will be the new norm.

    you think cats on steroids were any better? those muscles looked awful at times

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  • Varker said:
    I really don't get what's the big deal, they made them different, so what? they are aiming to get a new generation to like them, 2011 didn't work for that generation and we had our thundercats 34 years ago (damn it's old) a lot has changed, kids don't like the same stuff than we did, let them have their silly potatos. Personally I find them interesting and am eager to watch it

    you think cats on steroids were any better? those muscles looked awful at times

    Yes yes they were better. Even if you didn't like it if you look at the concept art for it they were very painstakingly drawn to look the way they did. This obviously was done with very little effort at all. They didn't even bother to make Lion-O's arms and legs the right length to go along with the rest of his body.

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  • tiamat5 said:
    Yes yes they were better. Even if you didn't like it if you look at the concept art for it they were very painstakingly drawn to look the way they did. This obviously was done with very little effort at all. They didn't even bother to make Lion-O's arms and legs the right length to go along with the rest of his body.

    To me it looks simple and maybe a bit too goofy, but that doesn't imply they didn't make an effort, it could very well be their style to have those proportions, just check other cartoons with humanoid characters, Jimmy Neutron can't reach the top of his own head, the powerpuff girls can somehow move their whole arms above their heads, some of the Total Drama cast have legs that are shorter than their torso but their arms are proportional, adventure time has noodle limbs, those and many more have odd styles, not lazy.
    Lazy would be like steven universe, even when they try to keep it detailed, the characters' proportions change from scene to scene and they don't care as long as you can recognize who the character is supposed to be.

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  • Varker said:
    To me it looks simple and maybe a bit too goofy, but that doesn't imply they didn't make an effort, it could very well be their style to have those proportions, just check other cartoons with humanoid characters, Jimmy Neutron can't reach the top of his own head, the powerpuff girls can somehow move their whole arms above their heads, some of the Total Drama cast have legs that are shorter than their torso but their arms are proportional, adventure time has noodle limbs, those and many more have odd styles, not lazy.
    Lazy would be like steven universe, even when they try to keep it detailed, the characters' proportions change from scene to scene and they don't care as long as you can recognize who the character is supposed to be.

    There is a big difference between simple and lazy. I know that simplicity does not always equal zero effort but it is more to it than just looking too goofy. If you keep looking at it long enough you start seeing all the other poorly done things like the lack of any proper details, poor line work, an ugly glossy look to it, Lion-O moving and bouncing around like if he is a rubber ball. Even with TDI or SU or AT you could still see the finer details even in their simplistic nature. But when you look at this show there are none. No muscle tone or jawline, no minor details in the costumes or in his general structure, not even any proper indication of gender. If not for his voice I could easily classify Lion-O. as androgynous.

    Also not sure why (a) All these action cartoons are being made goofy since CN never had any problem having more serious detailed action shows along side goofy cartoons and (b) why they had to use Thundercats to do it. Most kids don't know what Thundercats is so why do this to make fans of the original upset and get backlash? Just make a show like this without the characters or costume with the same basic concept and call it Action Kats or something. No backlash, no fans complaining, no threats of violence. Instead they take these properties and do stuff like this with it as if they know the fuss from nostalgic fans will launch it into infamy like Teen Titans Go. Or maybe some sort of poor attempt at nostalgia for Thundercat fans

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  • tiamat5 said:

    all the stuff right above this post

    There is a big difference between simple and lazy. I know that simplicity does not always equal zero effort but it is more to it than just looking too goofy. If you keep looking at it long enough you start seeing all the other poorly done things like the lack of any proper details, poor line work, an ugly glossy look to it, Lion-O moving and bouncing around like if he is a rubber ball. Even with TDI or SU or AT you could still see the finer details even in their simplistic nature. But when you look at this show there are none. No muscle tone or jawline, no minor details in the costumes or in his general structure, not even any proper indication of gender. If not for his voice I could easily classify Lion-O. as androgynous.

    Also not sure why (a) All these action cartoons are being made goofy since CN never had any problem having more serious detailed action shows along side goofy cartoons and (b) why they had to use Thundercats to do it. Most kids don't know what Thundercats is so why do this to make fans of the original upset and get backlash? Just make a show like this without the characters or costume with the same basic concept and call it Action Kats or something. No backlash, no fans complaining, no threats of violence. Instead they take these properties and do stuff like this with it as if they know the fuss from nostalgic fans will launch it into infamy like Teen Titans Go. Or maybe some sort of poor attempt at nostalgia for Thundercat fans

    The lack of details goes to being simple, even if it looks odd
    I don't see any problem with the line work
    Ugly is an opinion, don't get me started on that
    I don't see any problem with him moving like a rubber ball
    Muscle tone, doesn't really need it if they are going for a really (REALLY) goofy tone
    Jawline... have you noticed how many characters don' even have a jaw/neck (not any DC's mind you, they have jaws for days) the shape doesn't even match their mouth position or look like a really odd head that was given a mouth somehow just so the character could speak? Plus, Lion-O's reminds me of Sandy Cheeks
    Gender, e621's guidelines can tell you he's physically male for the developed musculature, having thicker arms, broad shoulders and perhaphs harsh features. Cheetara on the other hand looks rather ambiguous, still the things that tell her appart are the wider hips and thighs

    A)seems like you think CN ordered them to be this way rather than the people involved in the design identifying it as a trend they can use
    B)because the Lion-O owes them money!... but seriously, the guy already explained his reasons, they aren't "using" anything for any sort of campaign to force old things into new gens, they just want to make something they enjoy and share it. As I already said, we had our Thundercats 34 years ago, we enjoyed it, that's great, 2011 didn't hit, that's a shame, I was interested but didn't knew about it until after it got cancelled, nothing to be done, now they are making these, let them be, fans don't have to act all possessive as if the Thundercats belonged to them and only them, that's toxic, that's the fandom's fault

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  • Varker said:
    The lack of details goes to being simple, even if it looks odd
    I don't see any problem with the line work
    Ugly is an opinion, don't get me started on that
    I don't see any problem with him moving like a rubber ball
    Muscle tone, doesn't really need it if they are going for a really (REALLY) goofy tone
    Jawline... have you noticed how many characters don' even have a jaw/neck (not any DC's mind you, they have jaws for days) the shape doesn't even match their mouth position or look like a really odd head that was given a mouth somehow just so the character could speak? Plus, Lion-O's reminds me of Sandy Cheeks
    Gender, e621's guidelines can tell you he's physically male for the developed musculature, having thicker arms, broad shoulders and perhaphs harsh features. Cheetara on the other hand looks rather ambiguous, still the things that tell her appart are the wider hips and thighs

    A)seems like you think CN ordered them to be this way rather than the people involved in the design identifying it as a trend they can use
    B)because the Lion-O owes them money!... but seriously, the guy already explained his reasons, they aren't "using" anything for any sort of campaign to force old things into new gens, they just want to make something they enjoy and share it. As I already said, we had our Thundercats 34 years ago, we enjoyed it, that's great, 2011 didn't hit, that's a shame, I was interested but didn't knew about it until after it got cancelled, nothing to be done, now they are making these, let them be, fans don't have to act all possessive as if the Thundercats belonged to them and only them, that's toxic, that's the fandom's fault

    Oh please. so because people say it LOOKS like crap and point out the obvious flaws and red flags the fanbase is automatically toxic? If they didn't want anyone to say anything like I said they could made anything else even remotely looking like Thundercats and no one would have said anything. They don't get extra money alienating the people who liked the show and you make a half assed effort of recreating it. The whole point of using a familiar franchise is so the adults and kids can enjoy it together, familiar enough for adults and different enough for the kids. But if you make it like you don't give a damn and are just trying to make quick buck than leave Thundercats out of it because all you will get is backlash when you crap all over it. But it seems that they like that and love the negative attention and the chance to be a dick to everyone just like with TTG. Now they get free advertisement and get to be assholes to people just because they point out the flaws in your crappy job that you have done. These people are hacks but people want you to encourage and say nice things about their mediocre and below average work or you will hurt their fragile egos and they will throw a temper tantrum.

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  • tiamat5 said:

    I feel you're taking this personal

    Oh please. so because people say it LOOKS like crap and point out the obvious flaws and red flags the fanbase is automatically toxic? If they didn't want anyone to say anything like I said they could made anything else even remotely looking like Thundercats and no one would have said anything. They don't get extra money alienating the people who liked the show and you make a half assed effort of recreating it. The whole point of using a familiar franchise is so the adults and kids can enjoy it together, familiar enough for adults and different enough for the kids. But if you make it like you don't give a damn and are just trying to make quick buck than leave Thundercats out of it because all you will get is backlash when you crap all over it. But it seems that they like that and love the negative attention and the chance to be a dick to everyone just like with TTG. Now they get free advertisement and get to be assholes to people just because they point out the flaws in your crappy job that you have done. These people are hacks but people want you to encourage and say nice things about their mediocre and below average work or you will hurt their fragile egos and they will throw a temper tantrum.

    I know the kind of backslash that can come from some sections of any fandom. You mentioned threats of violence, then there's people hating something just because it doesn't look the way they demand (not even a request or suggestion, an outright and aggressive demand) it to be, being overpossessive towards a children's cartoon that ended 30 years ago, you're gonna tell me that's not toxic? that sounds more like sjw than a healthy fandom.
    I already pointed some of the things you consider a flaw are more an opinion than a fact
    You think artists have to hide their works just because some special snowflakes are angry at everything that doesn't fit their vision of the world? If they don't like it then fine, who cares, nobody's forcing them to watch it, they don't have to say anything nice about it but they surely they don't have to be total assholes about it either, it doesn't belong to them.
    You still keep saying they aren't making any effort, but it's only based on your opinion.
    You agree they can make something familliar to what you know and change stuff, but they aren't allowed at all to make any change to their appaerance or the setting without the whole fandom's approval?

    All I'm getting from you is that you hate it because it's not what you want, you casted judgment over a few images and a 3 minute clip that at most had 1 minute of animation

    Just what's wrong with teen titans go? in my opinion, at times the original tried way too hard to be edgy and dramatic

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  • actually forget what I said about teen titans go, not gonna start another argument, too many walls of text already in here to my taste

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  • "Thundercats Roar controversy."

    Umm, textbook definition of controversy states that people are divided with their opinion on something. Last I checked, Roar was UNANIMOUSLY hated.

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