marble, sage, and seed (in our shadow) created by kitfox-crimson
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In Our Shadow Part 2 Page 78

Looks like Seed didn't hear about the mind reading a couple of pages ago. He's a little less gallant than some may have previously thought ^__^'

If you’d like to see the next thirty or so pages early, line-art, hundreds of exclusive (and retro) comic pages, participation in Youtube streams, and other stuff, please feel free to check out my Patreon ^__^ It’s like a dollar or whatever.

Alternatively, or dare I suggest, in addition… the print versions of IOS are now available on the Lulu bookstore. Just search ‘In Our Shadow’ or ‘Matt Cleaver’ here and it should come up, for ultimate support!

Thanks so much to the people who support me already! One step closer to five pages a week!

  • Comments
  • With great power, there must be great responsibility for how it is used. Sage is a jerk for using their powers in this way. Sage's name should be changed to "fool".

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  • Sage, intentionally driving a fatal wedge between Marble and her only remaining 'rock'; just to make her 'kidnapping' go without resistance. Ugh.. he's got such a punchable face.

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