alastor (christmas and etc) created by blitzdrachin
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  • Hey blitz can I get a tdlr about why you deleted all of your nsfw from fa and e6? I stumbled upon this whole rabbit hole while scrolling on art.

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  • eeveesbeingassholes said:
    Thanks for understanding, it's appreciated!

    I read the first link and uh I think I'm slightly more confused but at the same time not but from what I gathered is that after realizing you were being groomed and were using nsfw as a bad coping mechanism, you deleted it? If I am correct then uh yeah I understand deleting it(I think, I'm not in your sit so idk if I would've but)

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  • yeetmeat2 said:
    I read the first link and uh I think I'm slightly more confused but at the same time not but from what I gathered is that after realizing you were being groomed and were using nsfw as a bad coping mechanism, you deleted it? If I am correct then uh yeah I understand deleting it(I think, I'm not in your sit so idk if I would've but)

    Thats one of the reasons too

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