twilight sparkle (friendship is magic and etc) created by marenlicious
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  • I personally don't get why people don't like Twilight's finale design, or the finale in general. I know people say she just looks like a recolored Celestia but like, I think Twilight looks unique enough in her own way. Her regalia is pretty, it might be similar to Celestia but that's probably the regalia that would always be passed down princess to princess. Along with just looking good in her own way in general.

    But besides that, nnnf this pic touches me. Grown up Twilight crying in joy/remembrance of her upbringing with the book, ugh years me up just looking at her. The finale is so friggin beautiful man, I don't understand how some people don't like it. I literally cried for an entire day after it. Like, even when I myself was done crying, my body didn't want to stop and the tears just kept coming. Literally the most beautiful finale to an animated show I've ever seen period. I get teary eyed from The Magic of Friendship Grows every time. It's a whole bunch of feelings spanning from me being happy at everyone's respective endings to the impact this show has had on my life to a lot more things inbetween.
    I love this show man. I love this show so much. It and it's characters and writing and cast and music and everything mean so much to me and more. If you haven't seen this show, watch it. It's a perfect binge and feel-good show for these bad times we're going though. Who knows, maybe it'll touch your heart like it has with mine and many others.


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  • coolandhotsandvich said:
    I personally don't get why people don't like Twilight's finale design, or the finale in general. I know people say she just looks like a recolored Celestia but like, I think Twilight looks unique enough in her own way. Her regalia is pretty, it might be similar to Celestia but that's probably the regalia that would always be passed down princess to princess. Along with just looking good in her own way in general.

    But besides that, nnnf this pic touches me. Grown up Twilight crying in joy/remembrance of her upbringing with the book, ugh years me up just looking at her. The finale is so friggin beautiful man, I don't understand how some people don't like it. I literally cried for an entire day after it. Like, even when I myself was done crying, my body didn't want to stop and the tears just kept coming. Literally the most beautiful finale to an animated show I've ever seen period. I get teary eyed from The Magic of Friendship Grows every time. It's a whole bunch of feelings spanning from me being happy at everyone's respective endings to the impact this show has had on my life to a lot more things inbetween.
    I love this show man. I love this show so much. It and it's characters and writing and cast and music and everything mean so much to me and more. If you haven't seen this show, watch it. It's a perfect binge and feel-good show for these bad times we're going though. Who knows, maybe it'll touch your heart like it has with mine and many others.

    I think it's because the writers had previously said that they weren't interested in exploring romantic relationships and that Twilight would not outlive her friends, but then when The Last Problem aired the show not only heavily implied several the six were in relationships, including directly showing Pinkie's child, but changed Twilight into the next Celestia, indirectly confirming Twilight will in fact outlive the others.
    For a fandom that sticks quite closely to what the writers say, I can see how that contradiction would upset some people.

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