created by amborah
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Sir. Andears drew his sword and pointed it at the woman standing before him. “Stand and face judgment, WITCH!” The knight declared. “For the king whose lands you have despoiled has ordered your imprisonment or death!”

The woman arched an eyebrow, seemingly unmoved by the knight's threat. “Despoiled HIS land have I? Really now? When I ventured into this forest the land was practically broken, his trees felled and animals largely driven out or hunted for sport. If that’s not defilement, but using a little magic to help bring life back to this place is… Well I’ll admit, I must have my definitions backwards.”

The knight scoffed. “These lands and all the dwell within them are the property of his majesty the king! If he desires wood, the trees give it and if he should desire venison or a bit of sport, then it is only right that the forest should also provide that. Why, I myself have joined in a few hunts and have personally taken down a dozen or so mayhem's, even a few dozen deer in my day! Who’s to count? And who should mind, but he who owns all of these woods?”

The woman glared and began to wiggle her fingers, causing faint pink runes to trace themselves beneath the knights feet. “Who indeed? Though perhaps then these woods should be ‘owned’ by one who cares more for their well being.”

“Then it IS treason you plot!” Sir. Andears growled, raising his sword. “I have bandied words with you too long already, witch! DIE!”
The knight moved to advance, but even as he did the runes flared to sudden blinding light and Sir. Andears felt himself hobbled by his own clothes which seemed to suddenly grow painfully tight about him. He looked down and was shocked to see his breastplate pop off, unable to contain his straining tunic and leather armor. “W-What devilry is this!?” He demanded, feeling suddenly flustered as something under his jerkin began to squeeze even tighter, sending twin jolts of pleasure running through his body.

“A simple rebalancing of nature.” The woman smiled as a fluffy brown and white tail poked from just above Sir. Andear’s britches. “If I am to rule these woods in place of your king, I shall need subjects to rule over, now won’t I?”

“No!” Sir. Andears declared, trying his best to push back on his ever swelling chest and belly. “I will NOT be made your stag! I am no animal! I am a knight and I will- Ah!” Finally his poor abused leather gear gave up its fight and burst asunder, allowing two massive breasts complete with perky nipples and a shockley swollen belly to bounce free into the warm summer air!

“You're right about one thing.” The woman snickered. “You're no stag! But don’t be so down, it's not all bad, after all, no one will be left to hunt you once I’ve dealt with your king and the rest of his court in similar fashion.”

“W-Wait you can’t!” The knight cried, though her face, now pushing out into a deer's muzzle, seemed far less angry than worried as she felt the first few kicks coming from within her ever expanding belly. “M-My… Breasts and… Womb keep expanding, when will they stop!?”

“When they are large enough to handle ALL of your fawns, deer.” The woman beamed and made to leave. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a court to attend.”

“BUT HOW MANY WILL THAT BE!?” The former knight cried as her knees began to wobble under the weight. “How many more could I possibly bare!?”

“A dozen…” The woman winked. “Maybe a few dozen, who’s to count really".

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