created by pet foolery
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  • aethelred said:
    Can confirm, gray squirrels are total assholes.

    Especially when you're up on the line, working, and the you feel the line start to shake and so you look left and see nothing coming. Then you look right just in time to see a squirrel leap at your face, teeth and claws bared, (that's what you are thinking, anyway) only to bounce off your hard hat and continue running on the line the other way. It's especially nerve wracking when they jump from a tree branch and you have no warning! Not like it's happened to me before or anything.

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  • udail said:
    Especially when you're up on the line, working, and the you feel the line start to shake and so you look left and see nothing coming. Then you look right just in time to see a squirrel leap at your face, teeth and claws bared, (that's what you are thinking, anyway) only to bounce off your hard hat and continue running on the line the other way. It's especially nerve wracking when they jump from a tree branch and you have no warning! Not like it's happened to me before or anything.


    My parents had a problem with squirrels in the attic. Animal control wouldn't do anything--squirrels were classed as vermin--and the squirrels refused to go. They tried non-lethal traps, they tried fox urine, they tried poison, they tried BB guns, they even borrowed the neighbor's cat--nothing worked. The squirrels eventually made their way downstairs--my parents built a ramp to an open window, but the little fuckers wouldn't leave.

    My dad's shovel now has two little "x"s on it.

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