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    Ok, hear me out. I love sex. I very much enjoy kinkiness and believe everyone should experiment with all different kinds of play, but hear me out, I kinda feel like a little cleanliness is good for pride. This is just my opinion and I'm not trying to hate on anyone for who they are and what they do. It feels like pride is getting a little too kinky, like, we've got people bringing the entire family down and exposing them to dudes in leather gear and VERY revealing clothing. It just feels kinda bad knowing that people all over look at pride and see an over sexualized view of what pride really means. Loving who you want to love. I mean, to me at least. I get this is a hot take and people won't like it, I just wanted to put my voice out, sorry for the wall of text. oh, and first comment btw.

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  • Love the art its adorable but like i'm very mixed on the topic like to an extent I agree but I think some parts are abit extreme like pride is a celebration of Love and sure sex is part of that but even for the straights theres levels that you should keep out of general public spaces

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  • Pride isn't just about sex though, and bringing kinks into it dilutes the meaning

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  • Consent is all important. Don't involve other people in your kinks without their consent.

    Respect for consent is not "sanitization".

    Pretty simple, really.

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  • Queer Spaces are not Sexual Spaces. And whilst de-stigmatisation is always nice and healthy, so too is knowing when to separate day-time and night-time activity and conversation.

    Be who you want, no one in their sane mind wants to remove that from you. Just please show the humility and respect people deserve.

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  • Keep it in the bedroom, people no matter what sexual orientation shouldn't be fucking out in public or anything, also what about gay people that don't want to see others fucking all the time in their space? What about those that aren't in to sex and don't like seeing it much? Do they have to suffer so a few with porn addictions can't contain it?

    The one thing I hate seeing is people like this that give a bad name for others, over and over again I struggle to back up or defend people because there are those that screech louder and set a bad example for the rest, these people are pushing others to push back, back when being gay was a taboo you had gay people saying "we only want to get married, it's not like we will start teaching it in schools and pushing it on you" and sadly after they were given the right to marry they started pushing it in schools and pushing it on others and so on, this sets an awful example for those that just want to be happy with their partner without the worry of "can they get married" or "are they safe and accepted" but now because people have given the community an inch and they ran a marathon, people are going to remember that and start pushing back. This is why when you ask for something you don't over step your limits, but it's sad to say the LGBT have and any criticism of them is seen as a "hate crime" or an attack when in reality it's just people trying to make sure everyone is happy, the last thing anyone wants is for people to finally have enough and things 180 to stringing up gay couples and going back to the old times and shit.

    This is a problem with many many other things going on in this world and it looks like we may just be constantly swinging back and forth both sides instead of learning from it all and setting a peaceful middle ground. This comment could be seen as "homophobic" or whatever word thats dried out but in the end I don't want us to have things push back so bad that it goes the other way again, nor do I want current movments to be replacing the old stuff and doing the exact same thing but on the opposite people.

    Just awful seeing in a time of "progress" we are just replicating the same shit we deam as bad in the past but this time it's ok because were doing it, it's not ok either way. Just understand about pushing things to far and causing push back, you may think it will never happen or this is over reacting but history should be a lesson, sadly no one learns from it, plus you don't need to look their and just look at others and how peoople are reacting and feeling about this stuff.

    Updated by Donovan DMC

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  • Yeah, this ain't it dawg.

    If you are incapable of separating lgbt spaces and sexual spaces or seeing why the separation is so important, you shouldn't be out in public, period. Never mind for any sort of event.

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  • Bigots consider the most chaste and mild expression of queer identity to be just as depraved as the kinkiest orgy.

    Pandering to respectability accomplished nothing for decades while our people were brutalized, tortured, and killed and it continues to accomplish nothing while our basic rights come under threat.

    The kinksters and leather communities stood by us when even the white house laughed at our deaths, and they'll be here long after the corporations stop pretending to support us

    Remember who your allies are

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  • ashthefox said:
    Love the art its adorable but like i'm very mixed on the topic like to an extent I agree but I think some parts are abit extreme like pride is a celebration of Love and sure sex is part of that but even for the straights theres levels that you should keep out of general public spaces

    Pride is supposed to make people uncomfortable

    The kinksters stuck with us through AIDS and they fought for our rights, they deserve a place at pride because without them it wouldn't exist

    Remember that Pride exists as a reminder of what queer rage can do if they try to take our rights away again

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  • sabotabby said:
    Pride is supposed to make people uncomfortable

    The kinksters stuck with us through AIDS and they fought for our rights, they deserve a place at pride because without them it wouldn't exist

    Remember that Pride exists as a reminder of what queer rage can do if they try to take our rights away again

    Oppression isn't an excuse to violate consent. "Shocking the normies" is, in fact, sexual harassment.

    Group kink is fine in an established safe space, it's not fine on Main Street. Demanding respect while disrespecting others is a tactic used by bigots.

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  • aethelred said:
    Oppression isn't an excuse to violate consent. "Shocking the normies" is, in fact, sexual harassment.

    Group kink is fine in an established safe space, it's not fine on Main Street. Demanding respect while disrespecting others is a tactic used by bigots.

    The mere presence of queer people in public spaces is considered sexual harassment in several states, which is why it's not useful to view this as an abstract issue of ontollogical morality

    Consent is important because of the capacity for harm during sex/intimacy, having to see a leash or a pup hood or heavens forbid some skin in public does not in any tangible way do people any harm, except maybe to the subconscious notions of entitlement and being the default that straight people have by virtue of being straight

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  • I've had enough of this argument and the incredibly dumb takes in it. Let's all just quit while we are ahead.

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  • aethelred said:
    Consent is all important. Don't involve other people in your kinks without their consent.

    Respect for consent is not "sanitization".

    Pretty simple, really.

    do you require consent for a trans person to enter your home?
    not everyone wearing pup gear is doing it for sex reasons

    Updated by Cinder

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  • gotta love e6 where the discourse stops as soon as mod says they personally are done with the argument, as if its not their job to moderate the wank bank website

    Updated by Cinder

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  • thatoneginger said:
    gotta love e6 where the discourse stops as soon as mod says they personally are done with the argument, as if its not their job to moderate the wank bank website

    A staff member stepping in to put an end to an argument IS moderation.


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