brittany and nathan created by xchiseaxmargaritax
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Nathan strode quickly through the barnyard, the husky stud sweating buckets as he raced, like always, from one chore to the next as he struggled to run Lewd Acres by himself.

‘Lewd Acres’ was three-hundred acres of disused farm land that lay in the shadow of Mount Saint Helens, which Brittany had recently purchased. It was the enchantress’ plan to use the land to cultivate the many ingredients she needed to produce her magical sex toys and kinky elixirs, which ranged from common soy to human breast milk and everything in between. At first, not knowing the first thing about agriculture herself, Brittany had intended to hire someone to run the farm for her, but Nathan had insisted that he allow him to do it instead. Nathan wasn’t exactly a farmer, but he had been a groundskeeper for nearly thirteen years. The husky stud knew there would be a learning curve as he made the transition from a college campus to maintaining the mix of farmland and woodlands that Brittany had purchased. Still, all the basics were there, right? Nathan knew how to run a tractor, for instance. He knew all about pesticides and fertilizers. Hell, he had played thousands of hours of Farming Simulator! Surely, Nathan was smart and experienced enough to make the transition. Besides, even if it would be difficult, it was important to Nathan that he do this. This felt like Nathan’s opportunity to be a man and actually provide for his family, as his poor paying job at the local community college was a source of embarrassment for him.

While he loved what he did, playing with all the heavy equipment at work plus the satisfaction of a good day’s work, Nathan couldn’t help but feel like a failure when he compared himself to his peers. All his old friends from high school had gone on to be highly successful. Doctors, lawyers, and the like who all made at least twice what he did. As a matter of fact, his own wife made more in a day than he would make all year! It didn’t inherently bother Nathan that his partner made more than he did… but he often felt as if he should be contributing more to the family. If he suddenly disappeared some day, everything would be fine, Brittany would be able to keep on keeping on and support their family. If Brittany suddenly disappeared? Their family would be fucked! There would be no way Nathan could support them with his salary. Running the farm, Nathan believed, was his chance to continue doing what he loved while actually being able to help support his family.

Brittany didn’t see things the same way Nathan did. The way she saw it? His hard work may only earn a merger salary, but that salary had kept them afloat in the early years before Lewd Brews had become profitable. More importantly, Nathan was indispensable around the house. His job’s steady hours and generous PTO meant he was often around for the family when Brittany and Jessie were busy putting out fires at Lewd Brews. In truth, she was a little reluctant to let Nathan assume the responsibility of Lewd Acres, just for that reason alone. What would they do when Nathan was busy with farm work? However, knowing how important this was to Nathan even if it was silly, Brittany relented. Once the sale of Lewd Acres had gone through, Nathan bought himself a John Deere, a farm truck, all the tools he thought he would need and set to work on the big job of putting the farm right after many years sitting idle.

Nathan turned out to be partially right. Thanks to his experience as a groundskeeper, it wasn’t like he was Oliver Wendell Douglas, out doing farm chores in a three-piece suit. Unfortunately, in this case, being ‘partially right’ meant being entirely long. Nathan had been in for a rude awakening, blissfully unaware of exactly how much work there was to running their farm. He spent many days working from sunup to sundown and while he was keeping up for the time being, his to-do list seemed to get longer every day and was starting to make him wonder if he could actually do this?

Presently, the big husky stud was carrying a shovel over one shoulder plus a large bundle of fence posts over the other: taking advantage of his superhuman strength as he loaded his farm truck with the tools and supplies he’d need for this afternoon’s job. He grunted as he heaved the fence posts into the bed, partly in exertion but mostly out of annoyance. Nathan was off to fix the fence in the southwest corner of their property after some, likely drunk, chucklefuck had run off the road and taken out his fence, as if he didn’t have enough to do! Now Natan had to hurry and fix it before the horses got out again. After that? Nathan had to replace the well pump as, judging from the awful grinding noise it was making, must be on its last legs. If he didn’t get to that soon, before the pump did break, the whole farm would run out of water! And all that was just Nathan’s special projects.

His truck almost loaded, Nathan turned back towards the barn to grab one last thing. But as he turned to head back to the barn, Nathan’s heart skipped a beat and the husky stud tripped over his own feet. Resting on a hay bale in the shade of the great big red building sat Brittany, his always sexy and currently heavily pregnant wife. Nathan would have been excited enough to see Brittany no matter what the circumstances, as they had been spending far too much time apart as of late. However, unbeknownst to her husband as Brittany had woken up long after he’d set off to work the farm, Brittany had decided to both reward yet also tease her husband. Knowing how hard he was working, Brittany had dressed up sexy for him, which made seeing his wife an even bigger treat. Nathan had always been fatally attracted to the ‘country girl’ aesthetic, and so Brittany had put on what she called her slutty cowgirl uniform that left her three quarters of the way naked. There was her green flannel shirt tied into a knot which exposed her massive, gravid midsection to the world in addition to acres of cleavage, Brittany’s massive milky breasts nearly bursting out. The shirt was so dinky, and covered so little of Brittany’s fur, its sole purpose was to simply accentuate the curvaceous canine’s incredible figure. Likewise, Brittany’s fat ass was on shameless display. Barely fitting inside the tiny denim ‘Daisy Duke’ shorts she was wearing.

For a long moment Nathan simply stood there. He silently watched, from a slight distance, as the wind toyed with Brittany’s red locks and tussled with her soft white fur. As he stared at his sexy wife, her body on display and belly heavy not just with pups but HIS pups, Nathan no longer worried about his chores. He wasn’t annoyed by the miserably hot weather or even the horses escaping through the fence the drunk asshole had knocked over. Pride was his first emotion, a sense of serenity falling upon him as he watched the gentle rise and fall of her calm breathing. However, the longer he stood there and watched as his wife fanned herself with her cowboy hat, which had completed the ‘country girl’ look, a need started to erupt in the pit of his stomach.

Nathan’s thoughts felt disjointed, finding it impossible to focus on anything through the fog of lust that had fallen over his brain. The giant fur even swayed slightly back and forth, feeling unsteady on his paws as he stared slack jawed. Utterly transfixed by his sexy wife. In fact, Nathan felt like a cartoon character, a cartoon who’d been hit in the head with a brick. A flock of tweety birds flying circles around his head was about all he was missing! As he stood there, Nathan realized that, if he was going to get anything done today, he would have to sate his desire. It would be like trying to sleep while a fire raged in your living room! Even if you could ignore it, there would be long term implications.

Luckily, Nathan didn’t think it would be too difficult to enlist Brittany’s support in this endeavor. In fact, Nathan wasn’t sure if he could remember a single time Brittany hadn’t been down to have some fun together. Still, while he was confident he’d ‘get lucky’ no matter what, he wanted to be thoughtful in how he approached his wife, as it would drastically change the way they would make love together. So, Nathan carefully yet briefly considered his options before a big smile crossed his muzzle. A plan, even if a simple plan, quickly began to take shape in his head.

Moving as quickly yet quietly as possible, he didn’t want to alert Brittany to his presence… not yet at least, the eager husky burst into action. However, sneaking up to his wife would be easier said than done. It would be extremely difficult for Nathan to sneak up on his wife, even if she appeared to be half asleep. After all, her canine senses and instincts were every bit as sharp as his, and she would likely smell or hear him coming, even with her eyes closed, long before Nathan could get there.

Actually, it often felt as if she was somehow even more alert and aware than he was. Nathan frequently felt as if his wife had some sort of sixth sense about her, as there were times she seemed to know what he was thinking or about to do even before he did! So, he approached her as stealthy as possible, taking every precaution he could think of. He walked slowly, stepping quietly on soft ground wherever he could find it to muffle his footsteps as much as possible. He carefully picked out a long yet better concealed route, using a nearby horse trailer and old tractor abandoned by the previous farmer as a blind as he worked his way closer towards his peaceful wife. Nathan was also mindful of the wind, pleased that it was blowing from the south and hopefully carrying his scent away from Brittany’s keen nose.

As he drew in, only about ten feet from Brittany, Nathan started to feel confident. Perhaps he had pulled it off? But just as the husky stud thought he was about to playfully pounce on his gently dosing, pregnant wife, her blue and green eyes snapped open. Nathan had been caught.

Damn! So close… Nathan cursed to himself. Although, he didn’t really believe that. Nathan could see it in the almost pitying look his wife was giving him. Like Brittany was saying, “You thought you could sneak up on me?” With just a look, a knowing grin across her muzzle already.

“Hey sexy.” His beloved mate breathed softly, her tail wagging: pleased to see her husband, Brittany’s bushy tail thumped as enthusiastically as she could manage in this damn heat. Her tone could be classified as ‘sultry’, but really Brittany was just tired. Fall couldn’t come soon enough, so far as she was concerned.

“Brittany!” Nathan pouted, teasingly. “You were supposed to let me sneak up on you.”

“Oh, is that what we were doing? You should have told me beforehand.”

Nathan laughed, opening his mouth to continue the banter but stopped before he’d even begun.

Who had the energy for that in this heat? Particularly when you had a beauty like Brittany with you! No, Nathan had much better things he could be doing with his mouth than talking. So, instead of returning Brittany’s verbal serve, he leaned down to kiss Brittany on the bridge of her nose. A small yet tender peck right between her mismatched eyes.

The soft, romantic gesture made Brittany smile. She submissively and lovingly licked Nathan’s lips, the way a feral dog might, and from there the game was on. Before either of them knew it, the husky couple was on the ground together in a tangle of arms and limbs. Needful growls, lustful whimpers, and primal snorts all filled the air as the two lovers moved past the need for words. They continued to kiss for some time as their hands wandered hungrily all over each other’s bodies, clinging to each other with a raw desperation. Nathan grunted slightly, squeezing Brittany’s breasts one moment, affectionately rubbing the side of her gravid belly the most, before reaching down to cup her heated sex through her Daisy Dukes. He could feel Brittany’s wetness, even though the denim of her shorts. Her incredible, lustful need so thick in the air Nathan was practically choking on it.

“Oh fuck…” Brittany gasped, her back arching up off the dirt as Nathan’s paw wandered back over towards her chest. Squeezing her breast a little more forcibly this time, causing a squirt of milk to come shooting from her nipple.

This continued for many minutes, although exactly how long neither canine could say. The couple was lost together in their own little private world. Time stopped having any meaning, there was none or nothing else that mattered to Brittany as she hungrily touched her husband. She kneaded her fingers against his body, feeling up his impressive muscles earned through farm work beneath his thick husky fur. Not even her unborn children residing in her womb seemed to register in her lust soaked mind as a pulsating sensation seemed to transmit from his body, which seemed to radiate pure, masculine energy. The sweaty yet sexy, musky scent of his own arousal hung heavy in the air as his cock strained against his jeans. Soon, pinned beneath her sexy mate, Brittany began to get restless. The curvaceous canine had enough foreplay, she was ready to get fucked.

“Please Nathan…” She began to whimper, not quite able to finish her sentence, but Nathan didn’t respond. Not with his words, at any rate. He simply silenced Brittany before she could beg anymore with a deep kiss right on her lips, as the husky stud had his own plans: Nathan was determined to drag their love making session out, make it last long as possible because, while it felt petty to company about his sex life, there was one thing that had been frustrating him lately.

Nathan knew should consider himself the luckiest man in the world, as the husky stud had not only one but two hot ass mates.

There was Brittany, the nine-foot-tall, curvaceous, redheaded giantess who was currently beneath him and Jessie: his petite, tiny yet fierce feline who was currently holding down the fort at Lewd Tower, back in the city. In many ways the two women couldn’t be more different, and not just because of the size difference between them. But both Brittany and Jessie are as loving and eager as they are sexy, and typically, it was Nathan who found himself struggling to keep up! He still remembered the fantastic yet also awful time both of his girls had gone into heat at the same time. Poor Nathan had been exhausted, his cock felt worn down to a nub, and he kept expecting dry dust instead of cum to shoot out his dick. Nevertheless, it had been fun going round after round with his two needy mates, and his blissful smile almost outlasted the ache in his back.

In the unlikely event his girls somehow found themselves unable to keep up? They even encouraged him to go have sex with other girls if he wanted, provided they were included in the fun, of course! As a female loving bisexual, Brittany very much enjoyed including other attractive women in their love making. It was incredible to still have ‘the spark’ after so many years together, not to mention having seemingly unlimited access to hot, sexy coitus. Nathan was probably one of the few people on earth who could honestly say he had all the fornication he pleased. Still, perhaps in a statement in the utter insatiability of man, Nathan still wanted something.

To Nathan, it seemed as if both her mates were so eager and so kinky that intercourse between the throuple always felt like some sort of race. There was always some sort of cry to have it harder, faster, deeper which always let to fucking. By ‘fucking’ Nathan means, at lest in this case, rough sex. Hair pulling, spanking, groping, perhaps even choking and all that jazz. It was all good, if dirty, fun. All the same, there were still times that Nathan would prefer to go soft instead of hard. To slow down, take his time, have a little bit of romance maybe, and make love instead of fuck. He’d love to just kiss and whisper sweet nothings in each other’s ear as they whittled the day away with a little afternoon delight. Besides, it was difficult for Nathan to be so rough with the mother of his pups while she carried one of his litters. Moreover, it was too hot for that hot and dirty sort of play anyway. So, Nathan determined, they’d have something different today. He would be greedy, and make love to his hot ass wife exactly the way he wanted, no matter how hard she begged to have it her way.

The afternoon sun slowly traveled across the brilliant blue sky, baking the earth as the husky couple made gentle foreplay beneath it. Brittany, perhaps picking up on Nathan’s vibe, had somewhat surprised him. For all of Brittany’s wonderful, even supernatural, qualities, patience had never been her strong suit. Yet, they had been at it for nearly ten minutes, a display of patience Nathan was stunned by, and she hadn’t asked him to begin fucking her… but Nathan knew that couldn’t last too much longer.

“Oh Nathan,” Brittany half gasped, half moaned a couple of minutes later as he caused another stream of milk to go shooting out of her tit. She was squirming beneath him against his touch, out of mind with lust and feeling even hotter than she had before they’d begun their tender foreplay. “Please fuck me?”

There it was. She’d waited longer than Nathan would have expected, but the horny husky couldn’t hold it back any longer. The gravid dog girl was just as horny as she was pregnant and was ready for her stud to take her in the manner which she was accustomed to. The song was old news now, but Brittany had a wet ass pussy and the lyrics seemed to stuck on repeat inside her head. I wanna gag, I wanna choke… Brittany sang to herself, although even inside her own head she quickly fell out of rhythm with the rap song. “Please?” Brittany repeated when Nathan was again unresponsive to her request, reaching out towards the tent in Nathan’s pants.

“No.” Nathan said sternly the first time, pushing her hands away.

Brittany’s eyes got big. Despite the fact she identified as the submissive in their bedroom, the bratty husky wasn’t used to being told no. “Please Nathan?” Brittany pleaded desperately, her big bushy tail wagging back and forth while she looked up towards her husband with her biggest eyes and cutest stare.

It was a heart melting display, Nathan had to admit, but the big dark stud stood his ground. “You’ll get that when I’m good and ready.” Nathan said gruffly.

Brittany merely whimpered, pathetically, as there were no words to express her need or disappointment. However, she did respect Nathan’s decision… for about thirty seconds. Then her hands began to wander too far down south, yet again desperately reaching for Nathan’s manhood.

“I told you no.” Nathan said sternly and with a small, frustrated sigh as he pushed her hands away yet again. Brittany was a deeply submissive woman, at least with her lovers while they were inside the bedroom. But even between the sheets, Brittany had a habit of getting her way, pushing Nathan to get what she wanted. It was tough to resist those advances, there was a reason they almost always made love ‘Brittany’s way’ but Nathan was determined to see this through his way, even if just for tonight.

“Please, Daddy?”

“That’s not exactly helping.” Nathan said, rolling his eyes as the husky stud attempted to pretend he didn’t want to be called daddy.

Being called ‘daddy’ in the bedroom was something of a guilty pleasure for Nathan. He certainly understood why other men found it creepy, particularly after his daughter not only started to call him ‘daddy’ but had her mother’s eyes. Nevertheless, there was something deep inside Nathan’s heart, and he just couldn’t help but love the term daddy, particularly as they were about to be intimate with each other. If he had to put his attraction to the term ‘daddy’ into words, he supposed it was because the term carried all the same respect and submission of terms like ‘sir’ or ‘master’ while being so much more affectionate. And there was something in particular about the way Brittany said the word, particular as she carried his pups in her massive belly. Without even fully realizing what he was doing, Nathan reached down to caress his wife’s big pregnant stomach, feeling the life they had created together growing inside.

“Oh please, Daddy?” Brittany said with even more fervor, encouraged by Nathan’s tender touch despite his protest. She had seen right through his weak protest and was laying in on thicker now. She could tell it had worked, as Nathan allowed her hands to wander much closer to his crotch this time.

Brittany smiled cockily. Judging by how hard Nathan had to work to summon the courage to push her needy paws away from his rock hard manhood, the curvaceous canine believed she had nearly charmed her way past Nathan’s defenses. Except now it was Brittany’s turn to be taken by surprise after underestimating her lover. His frustration boiling over with his unruly lover, Nathan decided it was time to give Brittany a small taste of what she wanted… but only a taste. Using his much greater strength, Nathan forced Brittany’s hands up and over her head. Then, using her discarded shirt as. some makeshift bondage rope, Nathan started to tie his wife’s wrists together. It was hardly the most restrictive bondage pose. It wasn’t even the most restrictive bondage Brittany had ever been placed in by Nathan’s hand. She easily could’ve reached back down and made another grab for Nathan’s tantalizing member. Nevertheless, her bondage proved to be highly effective. If nothing else, Brittany had been shocked into compliance. Surprised that Nathan had taken it upon himself to tie her up. Usually it was the sort of treatment she would’ve had to beg for.


“Shut up.” Nathan replied, which caused Brittany’s eyes to grow wider in further shock. “You’re always asking for me to be rougher, meaner, to really take control. Well, guess what? I’m doing as you’ve begged me to do tonight. I’m taking control!”

To underscore his point, Nathan removed Brittany’s panties, soaked with her wetness. He carefully slid them down her thick, furry thighs, which exposed her brown pussy lips beneath. The sight of her quivering cunny, dripping wet for him, did steal Nathan’s attention for a brief moment. But he got right back on task and took Brittany’s undies and stuffed them into her mouth for a makeshift gag. Like the shirt tying her wrists together, Brittany’s panties made for a pretty poor gag, it would do little to stop her from talking if the bratty dog girl decided to speak up again. Yet, also like the shirt binding her wrists together, it was more the physiological impact than the physical restraint that helped to keep her in line. To Nathan’s mild surprise, his bratty submissive actually seemed to fall in line. Now Brittany was all his, to do with as he pleased. He could take his time, without even getting rushed or hurried along. But, as always, there was a massive problem: Nathan’s own self-control.

Seeing his sexy redhead naked, heavily pregnant with his pups, and dripping wet for his cock was perhaps one of the hottest sights he’d ever seen. Particularly as the late afternoon sun started to creep around the sun and made Brittany’s hair look as if it were on fire. Even before Nathan had met Brittany he’d always been a sucker for redheads. The two lovers made eye contact, Brittany wore a reluctant but no less in love look of contrition. It was as if she were saying ‘alright, you win’ without really saying it.

Verbal or not, it was the closest Nathan had ever seen to his stubborn mate conceding something. That, Nathan supposed, was probably worth some sort of reward. Perhaps he was just telling himself that because he wanted an excuse to finally start making love. At that point, did it really matter? Nathan dropped his work jeans, removing his belt with a well practiced flourish, and allowed his impressive manhood to burst free. “Is this what you want, girl?” Nathan asked in a teasing, sing-songy voice. Watching with a sense of pride and arousal as Brittany’s mismatched, blue-green gaze shot right towards his cock. Mesmerized by her mate, just like he’d been enchanted by her beauty earlier.

“Oh shit…” Brittany groaned, her voice slightly muffled by her panties crammed into her mouth, but still fully comprehensible even with the questionable effectiveness of the gag. She squirmed and desperately whimpered, squirming as her husband went down on her. His tongue was just teasing her needy cunny, simply stoking her arousal, even if she required no further fuel for the fire. Just when I thought I couldn’t go any more crazy… She thought to herself.

“You like that, girl?” Nathan asked, his own voice muffled as his face was still buried between his wife’s legs.

Brittany thought of a few snappy replies. Perhaps she could lecture him about ‘talking with his mouth full’. Unfortunately, her thoughts were slightly too scattered by pleasure to fully complete any of those thoughts. “Yes daddy.” She managed to reply, meekly, spitting out her panties as she did so. After all, if ‘daddy’ was going to ask her a question, surely that was permission to talk, yes?

Nathan smiled as he continued to eat his wife’s pussy, savoring the moment. He felt this was something else he felt he didn’t do often enough. His wife tasted like a sweet nectar on his tongue, even if it felt silly to make this comparison… like the character out of a poorly written romance novel, but there it was.

Even with his determination to make this last all afternoon, if he could, Nathan’s own biology was working against him. With his wife's musky pussy practically intoxicating him, Nathan’s cock felt like an iron pipe it was so hard, fit to burst inside his pants practically! He couldn’t take it any longer, so the husky stud swiftly stood back up and worked the zipper and belt of his jeans, allowing his pants to drop and his throbbing manhood to burst free. Naturally, the appearance of her husband’s magnificent penis hadn’t gone unnoticed by Brittany. Her eyes brightened, and her entire body perked up. Just like Nathan’s raging boner, she felt totally ready for action!

“Oh, please fuck me, daddy!” The curvaceous canine pleaded, the bratty husky having spat out her panties and wiggling her lower half and moving her hips in the most tantalizing manner she could manage.

So much for low and slow… Nathan thought to himself with something of a reluctant sigh. “Alright.” He then said aloud, as if he was doing his wife a huge favor by having sex with her.

Still, Nathan remained resolute. There might be more bondage and things might be progressing a little faster than he’d hoped for, but he would still be selfish and fuck Brittany his way, no matter how desperately she pleaded otherwise. Before she could beg any further, for Nathan knew she’d be begging for his dick ‘harder’ and ‘faster’ sooner than later, and likely sooner, he silenced her by leaning forward and planting a deep, passionate kiss on her lips. The kiss lingered for some time, as the husky couple eagerly explored each other’s mouth with their tongue. Nathan felt his wife’s sharp teeth, a delectable contrast with the otherwise softness of her mouth, while he felt her own tongue trace a similar path. He bit gently down on her tongue, not enough to draw blood or even hold it in place, but firmly enough that Brittany couldn’t ignore it. His wife shuddered beneath his muscular body, apparently loving the tongue bite. Actually, when Nathan thought about it, he wondered why he’d never tried that before. Brittany was so submissive and loved rough sex, that would be the sort of thing she’d go nuts over.

Pushing those unhelpful thoughts to the side, Nathan continued kissing Brittany as he grabbed the base of his manhood and slowly inserted it into Brittany’s pussy. His eyes fluttered, and his leg twitched slightly as he did so. Brittany always felt tighter, hotter, and wetter when she was pregnant, Nathan had a big sample size to pull from, and today was no exception. She felt incredible as her wet cunny easily accepted Nathan’s throbbing cock. Her pussy tight like a vice as it embraced his cock and milked his girth for her creamy reward, even if there wasn’t anything for Nathan’s cum to do at the moment. It wasn’t as if he could knock her up! Brittany’s body was already carrying his children.

Oh shit… Nathan thought to himself. Her pussy felt so good wrapped around his cock, the intimacy between them seemed to sparkle in the air like electricity, he was already doubting his ability to go the distance. He did his best to push those thoughts out of his mind, and took advantage of the fact he was on top and controlling the rhythm and flow of the sex. He moved his hips slowly yet rhythmically, enjoying himself as he ground against his wife.

This continued for some time until, finally, Nathan came up for air. He gasped slightly, gasping down air feeling robbed of his breath. He would’ve assumed, had he thought about it, that Brittany felt much the same way. If anything, as the receiver of the kiss, shouldn’t she be more out of breath. He should’ve known better. Nothing would ever stop Brittany from getting both the first and the last word.

“Will you please fuck me now, daddy?” She pleaded with her most innocent yet desperate sounding voice.

“What have I been doing this whole time?” Nathan replied in bewilderment.

“You know what I mean, daddy.”

But Nathan didn’t know what Brittany meant. And truth be told? His patience with her was starting to run a tiny bit thin. Couldn’t they make sweet, gentle love. Just once? He took Brittany’s discarded panties, and stuffed his bride’s own used underwear into her maw.

“No.” He said sternly. “You always tell me to ‘use you’ and ‘take control’. Guess what? Tonight, I’m taking control, and that means I’m going to fuck you how I like! However fast, or slow, that may be. Understand?

He didn’t give Brittany a chance to understand. Instead, he picked up the panties that were still resting on the ground by Brittany’s face. He rubbed them against her brown slit, making sure they were yet again soaked with her own pussy juices, and perhaps a bit of his own cock given it was still buried inside her. Working quickly, before Brittany could annoy him further , he stuffed the panties into her mouth, which she accepted. It might not be rough sex in the traditional sense, or what she was aching for, but it would do for now.

“Good girl.” Nathan said, reverently. He felt bad about losing his temper, no matter how mild the outburst had been or well it had worked. He ran his fingers through his wife’s long red hair and whispered, “I love you.” In his softest voice. Although, internally, Nathan had a slightly different thought.

Miracles Nathan thought to himself, privately and just a touch of irony. They really do happen every day…

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