maud pie and pinkie pie (friendship is magic and etc) created by jeinsx
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Pinkie's Cock Dog
When Pinkie suggested the Pie family eat something other than rocks she had no idea they would turn to her for their next food idea. They might want to start a breeding farm next.

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Pinkie Pie's Cock Dog

Pinkie's face was still sore. Her new nose ring was starting to itch, and the tag through her ear was still a little swollen. She wanted to rub the irritated holes but her hands were tied behind her, inconveniently. She could deal with that. She was less confident in how well she could tolerate her penis being cooked on the grill her sister was setting up in front of her, but she had to try for Maud.

“Are you really really sure about this?” Pinkie asked, half-heartedly, trying to sound like she wasn't trying to talk Maud out of going through with it.

“Yeah.” Answered Maud while she was making sure she had the right balance of lava stones and coal in the waist-high grill.

That was it then, it's not like Pinkie was going to argue. The piercings seemed unnecessary and awkward to explain later, but she was grateful Maud had been quick and clean about putting them in. Pinkie's gaze dropped to the small piles of salts on the ground beside her favorite sister, then to the charcoal grill, then to Maud's rather obvious bulge under her dress.

“I'm ready.” Maud said once she was satisfied.

She stood up and hiked her dress just enough to let out her slate gray balls and royal purple shaft set. The heat on the rock farm today had coaxed her thick balls to hang and sway in the breeze. She hadn't gone softer than half-mast since she'd started to prep Pinkie for her... processing .

Maud Pie pulled out the match she'd brought with her, then looked down at her cock, which swelled and tightened instantly to it’s full, impressive length.Thick cocks were a Pie family trait and Maud wasn't an exception, her shaft was easily longer and thicker than most pony's forearm. Maud's real strength, however, was her stoney nature. She touched the match to her cock head and flicked it across herself, sparking the match quickly on her adamant erection, then dropped it into the grill silently.

Pinkie bit her lip. She hadn't been allowed to wear clothes unless you counted her bondage, and the heat she felt from the fire made her heart flutter. Maud was definitely going to cook and eat her cock today. But the sight of her sister being so excited was still contagious.

Where Maud was gifted with hardness, Pinkie had sheer mass. Pinkie's cock slipped out of its sheath and hung like a pendulum between her bare pink thighs all the way to her knees. Her massive softball-sized nuts tightened and drooped again. Pinkie stifled a whine as she felt the open flames in the grill tease her deep pink shaft already.

“I don't think that's hard enough, Pinkie.” Maud said, shaking her head as she watched Pinkie get excited.

“Um…” Pinkie bit her lip and looked away from her sister. As much as she didn't want to be doing this, it still stung a little to have her sister sound a little disappointed in her performance.

“Okay, I'll help you out then.” Maud rolled her eyes, just a little.

She knelt behind her sister and put a hand on her very pink, very soft buttcheek and squeezed. Pinkie couldn't help but gasp. Maud definitely knew how to get her soft body to do what her favorite sister wanted. Even if (for whatever reason) Pinkie didn't want to be as hard as could be, she doubted she could resist her sister's touch.

Pinkie sucked air hard as her thigh-length cock just grazed the heated side of the grill. Pinkie figured there had to be some magic or herb or something that could make this less…s tressful , but Maud was adamant she didn't want to do anything that might taint her sister's natural flavors.

Pinkie looked down to see her sister wetly pull two fingers out of her mouth a moment before they were shoved up Pinkie's sensitive rear end. The little burn on the tip of her cock seemed to vanish compared to Maud's experienced touch.

Just as quickly, the anal stimulation was contrasted with the shock of her entire body being shoved forward by her insides.

Maud's precise pleasure mixed with the pain of Pinkie's cock slapping down onto the hot grill. Her meat sizzled immediately against the bars, quickly followed by the unmistakable scent of meat mixed with char. The deep pink under cock quickly turned red, then redder as her favorite toy soaked in the heat and smoke.

Maud took a deep breath and gave a gentle sigh.

“When I said you should try eating something other than rocks I didn't mean-” Pinkie started

“You were right, you smell great. These will be next.” Maud said, putting her free hand between the pink thighs to cup her huge orbs.

Pinkie bit her tongue.

She bit a little harder.

The seconds drug out silently for what felt like days to the cooking mare. She had a hard time standing still under the best conditions, but the pain she was in pushed her to her mental limits quickly. Pinkie began to whine like an impatient filly, in part because of the slow agony of being grilled and in part because her sister was still insider her.

Maud wasn't one for overt expressions but Pinkie knew her very well. Well enough to know that her sister's heavy breath was her smelling the air; sniffing out the scent of roasting sweetmeats was getting easier as the cooking really started to take. Pinkie could tell when Maud's fingering was purely for Pinkie's own benefit, or when Maud was enjoying herself more thoroughly.

Maud continued to kneel stoically, her face close enough to the cooking meat to watch the exotic meat change and cook in detail. The display didn't distract her from the rest of her sister though, she pumped Pinkie's rear with equally painful deliberate and slow thrusts. No one knew Pinkie's insides better than Maud. Pinkie could almost ignore the heat if Maud would just work her a little faster, just a little harder, but Pinkie knew Maud was intent on edging her through this.

Grill lines had started to form now along the copious pink shaft and both sisters knew that was the point beyond return. The candy-pink shaft had been a staple of life between Pinkie and Maud, and the rest of her sisters. It had been a great asset in helping with her bond with ponies in general. But the party pony knew what it meant when the intensity of the burning she felt leveled off and started to wane.

The feeling was beginning to cook out of her shaft, and Pinkie was acutely aware that there was no bringing that back. Even if she admitted to Maud right now that she'd really rather keep her dick, she'd waited too long to do herself much good. Enough of her meat had properly cooked through now that it wasn't a simple burn anymore. Even if she could heal from this it would never feel the same, if she could feel it at all.

Maud let her hips roll forward once, grinding her heavy cock into nothing out of a rare reflex. Pinkie tried to take some comfort in how she rarely saw her sister half this aroused, but she was struggling to feel much of anything. Maud seemed to sense this as she reached down for her choice of seasoning. She'd prepared two different kinds of salt, and assured Pinkie the night before that she should feel grateful to be cooked with such exquisite minerals.

Maud pinched a little of the rough and black crystals she'd brought with her. She wasn't one for strong contrasts in her food, but her taste in rocks meant she'd known exactly what salts would compliment Pinkie's naturally sweet meat. The coarse and heavy crystals were pressed directly into the top of Pinkie's generous meat and rubbed in. Pinkie's whole body tensed up immediately and her whining caught in her throat.

The sharp crystals didn't need much work to find their way into her skin. The burning was fresh and new as Maud literally rubbed salt into the wound. Pinkie suddenly found herself wishing Maud had let her cook a little more, wishing she could feel her dick even less. It was a small mercy her sister had waited this long, but that chemical sting made it hard to appreciate as Pinkie's reddening shaft was quickly stained a charcoal black.

“I need to apply the big crystals first, before you're finished cooking.” Maud said, reading her sister well. “The volcanic dragon salts smell good with you, you're sweet but earthy.”

Pinkie smiled, just a little, as Maud expressed such direct positivity, even if it had to be at such a cost to herself. The abrasive dry rub being ground into her flesh made it difficult to appreciate fully, however. Maud wiped her black-stained hand off on Pinkie's butt, leaving a dark smudge, before she reached back down for the second course of her seasoning. Pinkie braced herself, her butt tightening around Maud's fingers from the nerve-wracking anticipation of a second mineral sting.

The finer blue salts stung, greatly at first as her sister stroked over her raw shaft, but it faded quickly. Pinkie never expected to be so happy to not feel her sister stroking her favorite part. The baby blue of the finer crystals intermixed with the black stain of her gradually grilling meat like glitter. As the worst of the pain faded, Pinkie could appreciate how pretty it was. The dark coloring that her sister had added to her fully cooked member really drove home that this wasn't Pinkie's cock anymore, it was Maud's.

“That's deep seapony saly, it's acidic, so it should really bring out your flavor, Like lemon in cupcakes.” Maud explained, gently.

Pinkie listened with a strange sense of affection. She was still starkly aware of the gradually fading pain from her cock being salted and grilled, but now that she felt she was past the worst of it, she could appreciate how much fun her sister was really having. Getting her to expand her diet had been Pinkie's idea, after all, as Maud had reminded her several times during their preparation.

Maud pushed her fingers forward into Pinkie's newly relaxed rump, past her pleasure spot and moving her sister forward. Pinkie tried to step forward to keep her balance and felt the grill lines on her shaft stick to the cooking grate. Her warped skin cracked off the metal with a still-painful pinch. Then her balls swung forward into the side with a solid plop, and sizzled.

Pinkie squeezed Maud with her insides again and a familiar searing pain returned. If Maud noticed, she didn't show it. Instead she simply reached down to her tools set on a rack below the grill. Maud drew it upwards and Pinkie felt an alien sensation inside her. Heat was replaced with a sharp pinch, then a cold sting from the air again her new stump.

Through some combination of her shaft being mostly cooked, Maud's kitchenware being sharp, and the blinding spike of pain through her hanging balls, Pinkie hadn't noticed her sister had sliced her cock off. The pristine cross section was perfectly straight and right through her very base, Pinkie wouldn’t even have a sheathe left to cover for her lack of equipment now. In her dazed state she happened to notice the long, thin blade Maud had used, and giggled when she realized it was a boning knife. Pinkie settled quietly into sensory overload, letting her sister work. Pinkie didn't even notice her sister pull out of her.

The severed cock on the grill in front of Maud was easily 40 cm of irreplaceable meat. Pinkie had had a monster member, but size alone wasn't what made this so valuable. A cock from an element of harmony would probably sell for a hundred times its weight in gold, but Pinkie had given hers to Maud without a single objection. Maud's stoic expression cracked a bit of a grin, which Pinkie assumed she imagined.

Maud grabbed the grate from the grill casually, lifting it up and away with the colorfully stained, roasted cock still resting on it. She set it aside, reluctantly, and hefted up her sister's lonely looking balls. Each one was a handful, so they'd probably take a while to cook through being grilled traditionally.

Maud gave her sister a nudge forward again before dropping her pretty pink sack directly into the hot coals. This was a ancient way to cook nuts, usually tree nuts, but this seemed close enough. The hot embers quickly set to crisping and browning Pinkie's scrotum while her balls fried inside of herself. Maud quickly set about stirring the coals to bury her roasting nuts completely to ensure even cooking.

Pinkie's body was wracked, but her shock fully settled on her now. Even without her sister holding her in place she didn't move or struggle, she just shuttered under the overwhelming experience.

Maud was happy enough to have both hands free now that she didn't need to make sure her meal stayed hard. She wasn't willing to let her sister's cock go cold, either. While Pinkie's sack charred, Maud collected her main prize from the grate.

She briefly savored the moment, feeling the weight of Pinkie's gift in her hands while excess heat bled out of it. Even at her sister's most aroused, her shaft never got this warm. Maud then opened her mouth and took her first taste.

She rubbed her tongue over it's semi-flared tip, exactly like she had hundreds of times before while this meat was still her sister's, and she knew immediately how right Pinkie had been about needing to expand her diet. The familiar taste of her sister had completely transformed. The natural salty but sweet flavor seemed magnified to a near-hypnotic degree. Maud took her first bite almost instinctually.

The skin popped under the pressure of Maud's teeth and the flesh below parted so easily. Juice ran out like she'd bitten into an orange, and her sister's flavor profile complimented that perfectly. Pinkie had a natural sweetness that had caramelized while she grilled, and Maud's choice of seasoning had dried her skin enough to keep all her flavored in. Maud had to stop herself, before she noticed she had already eaten down to the cock's medial ring.

Pinkie began to fade back into reality as the ache in her balls had faded from all-consuming to merely painful. She took deep, ragged breaths, as she remembered herself and what was happening. She blinked once before the sight of her sister really made sense to her shaken mind, it took a second blink before she realized Maud was eating her dick. Eating felt too gentle a word after she saw Maud take a fat bite out of what Pinkie recognized as the last half of what used to be her cock and hear her old flesh rip so wettly. Maud was devouring it with the fervor Pinkie was known to consume sweets.

Maud was finished almost as soon as she started. She felt sticky as she'd spilled a considerable amount of Pinkie's juice on herself, but she was too satisfied to care about how she looked now, she could wash up once she had finished.

“You were right.” Maud said to her sister with just the slightest high in her voice. Pinkie hadn't heard her sound this positive about anything short of a major geological discovery. Pinkie didn't need her sister to clarify what she had been right about either.

“So… are we almost done?” Pinkie asked, unevenly. She was far too emotionally drained to be nervous or regretful now.

“Yeah, just about.” Her sister answered back, evenly. She reached down into the grill one more time and grabbed the base of Pinkie's blackening sack and tugged.

Pinkie felt her insides twist briefly in response to the alien feeling of her balls being pulled right off of her, like her sister had just picked fruit off a tree. Her sack cracked and broke away like an eggshell, and her fried cords didn't have the integrity to resist anymore.

Pinkie couldn't resist sighing with some degree of relief that it was over, even as she took in the sight of her empty groin. Pinkie felt like she’d been kicked in her balls, but she was painfully aware of how she didn’t have any balls anymore. The cut that used to be her thick sheath was sore, like she’d had sex too roughly and her dick needed a rest. She was familiar with that feeling, but not with the feeling of having so little left of herself. She always had her girl parts, but she’d never really used them all that much. She had so much more fun using other people’s holes. Pinkie wondered briefly if when she healed over if the scars would make it obvious she used to have so much more.

Maud let her sister compose herself while peeling her oversized nuts let eggs, discarding the skin they'd been cooked in, and leaving a softball sized chunk of her sister's meat in each hand. Maud’s own set didn’t seem to have calmed down any, her purple shaft was twitching in the steady rhythm of her heart beat. Pinkie was the only mare in her family without a cock now, and with her nuts roasted and cooling in the open air she was the only one who couldn’t do any impregnating. She might have one or two more fertile loads in her, but without a cock to pump them into a mare she’d just dribble them out uselessly if she could cum at all.

Maud bit into one of Pinkies balls casually. The thicker membrane holding her testicles together resisted a little more than her cock had, but soon enough there was an audible pop that made Pinkie flinch as she watched her sister take a bite out of one of her foal makers. The soft flesh inside melted in Maud's mouth. Pinkie's near candy-like sweetness was as strong as Maud had expected.

“These make an excellent dessert; that feels right for you.” Maud said to Pinkie in a praising tone. Pinkie gave an strained smile back.

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