out-of-placers created by shizameakanzatsu
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Neeva travelled to the nevrean grounds to seek the moron funding the anti yinglet propaganda. While any species are allowed to roam there as long as they respect their leader's rules, neeva couldnt help but feeling watched constantly. She is used to those mad a yinglet is in their area, but somehow she felt like something more was looking at her actions.

The appartment looked decent enough, no security around meaning the one funding these is a simple person. She looked around for area to break in, but noticed the door to the staircase was blocked open by some old newspaper. Slowly creeping towards the correct numbered door, Neeva stood next to the door holding her gun and began knocking.

No one answered, so she tried to knock a few times with the same results. Leaning forward she placed her ear against the door , listening for any activity inside, she could hear a faint noises. Unable to open the door stealthily she opened fire at the door knob making it collapse kicking the door in. Somehow she did not alert her target who she could hear singing awfully in the bathroom, sweeping the appartment for any roommates Neeva was alone with her target.

Doing the same treatment to the bathroom door, the yinglet stormed in aiming her gun at the nevrean making sure he understood to stay put.

''nevrean'' What the fuck!? HELP! A FUCKING RAT WITH A GUN BROKE IN!

''Neeva'' Shut the fuck up!! Do you not see im aiming the gun at you, do you wanna die today?

''Nevrean'' what? So you're not doing this out of nowhere? What did i even do to deserve this!?

''Neeva'' The anti yinglet posters, ring any bell? Look i was hired to make sure you stop funding these. So are you gonna cooperate or do i need to kill you?

''Nevrean'' ah god a horny rat somehow sniffed me back to my home. Look rodent, i was hired by someone you don't want to piss off. So let me tell you in a way you can understand, you go you live, you harm me you gonna be in biiiig trouble.

''Neeva'' Death it is then.. Makes it much more easy.

''nevrean'' WHA!?

Without hesitation Neeva pulled the trigger, watching as the nevrean collapse lifeless on the ground. She walked towards the corpse and kicked it a few time making sure he was really dead, then turned the water off and quickly escaped.

  • Comments
  • I see it. Ain’t gonna say where, but it isn’t that hidden. But it does have a funny face. I will say that.

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