nintendo and etc created by aph (artist)

After what felt like 20 style changes and 50 konsole commands- I feel that I'm starting to get the hang of drawing on Linux and Krita.

For anyone using Linux and have multiple monitors- but find that your pen isn't correlating to the correct monitor (is stretched across all monitors), then you can use the following commands.

Reminder that you need to find out what the name of your devices are called for these commands.

Two Monitors:
xinput set-prop "Tablet Monitor Pen Pen (0)" --type=float "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 0.5 0 0.5 0 1 0 0 0 1

Three monitors: (!!!)
xinput set-prop 'Tablet Monitor Pen Pen (0)' --type=float 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' 0.333 0 0.666 0 1 0 0 0 1

Ohhh, and if you need to find out the name of your devices, you can run this command. Make sure that you're putting the right names of your devices in the commands listed above. My devices will likely not be the same name as yours. (My pen device was named 'Tablet Monitor Pen Pen' for some reason)

xinput --list --name-only
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