anubis (middle eastern mythology and etc) created by rukis

Favored Pet of the Gods

In ancient Egypt, cats were prized above all other animals as loyal companions with a hint of the divine.

This Egyptian Mau gets HIS 'hint of the divine' via direct application.

. . . somewhere, an ancient god is very, very angry at me right now.

So, um. . . I have no excuse for why I drew this. It came from a sketch I did for Menagerie way back, which I unfortunately can NOT post, since it's for Menagerie :P But I've wanted to color it for awhile, and I really wanted a few new pieces for Anthrocon. This picture is pure, self-indulgent pron, and I am utterly unashamed of this fact. Enjoy!

A big, super rare print of this will be available in the Anthrocon Art Show, as well as the original pencil linework. Come check it out!

  • Comments
  • Rally said:
    The angle of that cumshot seems pretty impossible.

    Oh come on, the pic is stunning.

    And besides, if his cock is bobbing (with his pulse at orgasm) paws-free, that cumshot is so possible.

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  • Fere_Ermelis said:
    Oh come on, the pic is stunning.

    And besides, if his cock is bobbing (with his pulse at orgasm) paws-free, that cumshot is so possible.

    I never said it was a bad picture. I actually like it overall. And if his cock was throbbing enough to make that kind of angle, there'd be much more of an arc to the jizz.

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  • RedOctober said:
    He's a god, he can send his jizz where he pleases!

    You have made my day with that comment.

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