evan and timothy created by windpaw
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Birdsongs: Interlude #1 Page 1: "Close Encounters..."




Three years.


BIRDSONGS is officially BACK, baby!

110% thanks to everyone on Patreon who's been supporting me, as I wouldn't be posting this again if it wasn't for them. So, round of applause for all of those giving me money. Give 'em a hand!

Man, that must feel, just, SO nice for them.

Oh man.
Just had a thought.

YOU could feel that good, too! https://www.patreon.com/windpaw



Well, you folks have been asking about a Chapter 2 for a while now.

And this isn't it.
You're welcome.

Instead, here's the first of the "Interlude" chapters; mini-chapters with minimal plot to fill sexy wank-space between the actual, 'plot' driven wank comic. (mostly just ideas that never made it to full-chapter status, that I still wanted to make happen :3)

Soon as this chapter's concluded (still working out the update schedule) we'll move on to Birdsongs: Chapter 2 proper-like.

This page was actually finished a little over three years ago. Since then, with the help of Patreon, I've been able to get back to a long overdue 'style update', with solid character models and a more detailed painting style. Page 2 will have some of the new style (since it was started a year and a half ago, and finished two weeks ago), and page 3 will be all new art design.

Stay tuned for page 2!

Fair Skies, Out to the Black, and Tail High!


  • Comments
  • Crap, didn't think there'd be a larger-res version up on Weasyl, what with this being a sort of Patreon fueled thing. Figured there would only be one public size. Oh well, here it is.

    Also, so stoked to see these two return! :D

    Apparently Windpaws's been through a rough patch, which finally explains his long time disappearance. Good to see him alive and well.

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  • "I totally fucked a human once."

    Human-on-small-flying-critter romance. This isn't going to be another Bee Movie, is it?

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