created by lugus
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The Alchemist brandished the blade towards the guards and the crowd assembled in the great hall. "He's my prisoner now. Even though he's bound to me, if any of you takes one step, I won't hesitate to slit his throat." He said, gesturing towards the monarch bound to his groin, now limbless and losing his fur. His victim didn't seem to mind his predicament so much, however.. His eyes were closed tight, and the pleasured grin hadn't left his mouth for the past few minutes.

"Sire, please!" The King's Lord plead. "You have to fight this! Remember who you are!"

The King opened his eyes briefly and looked towards his childhood friend before closing them again. "Mhmmmm... but--" was all he got out before his words were interrupted by another glob of clear, sticky fluid bubbling out of his throat. He quickly shut his eyes as a gurgling moan could be heard coming from around the precum, now leaking out and matting his beard.

The Infiltrator, onto whom's crotch The Lord was fusing, simply cackled at the sight. "Hehe, maybe you should give him a kiss, then? True love breaking curses and all that?" He said mockingly. He stroked his soon to be shaft along its back and threw back his head in a moan. The Lord managed to keep his composure, despite the intense pleasure washing through his body. But how much longer could he hold out?

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