created by kuroo haruniji
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  • Comments
  • patriot423 said:
    Okay... I have to ask:
    Do opossum penises really look like that?

    Yep. Anatomically correct tags added. Marsupials also have multiple vaginas by the way.

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  • patriot423 said:
    Okay... I have to ask:
    Do opossum penises really look like that?

    Pretty close but not exactly. They're a single unit up to the head, which splits. The collar band that's shown around the base here is actually just behind the hemipenes. Google Books exists, you can look up anatomy diagrams.

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  • albertk said:
    Pretty close but not exactly. They're a single unit up to the head, which splits. The collar band that's shown around the base here is actually just behind the hemipenes. Google Books exists, you can look up anatomy diagrams.

    i've spent the last couple days hunting through the internet and the handful of diagrams have only been slightly helpful considering the apparent complete lack of photographs. this art (along with the other four anatomically correct marsupials on e6), combined with your description and the 2 diagrams have given a better understanding than the diagrams alone. you use what you have

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