judy hopps and nick wilde (zootopia and etc) created by rockbottomfeeder
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Chapter V: The Best in Me, pt. 1

Hey everyone, happy weekend!

While I clearly have to up my game if I want to generate Borba-tier discussion, I hope you’ll enjoy this week’s pages of our own abloobloo bun story. Just these two pages this week, they were pretty complex to draw.

I’ve also gone and made an official WutB imgur album for reading the entire series all in one place without having to go on sadpanda or mess around on freaking tumblr: https://imgur.com/a/RTBm0

Hey! You guys are aware that Water under the Burrows is the comic sequel to Water under the Bridge, but you don’t have to go read it because it’s now available as an audiobook!!

If you think sleep is a waste of time, and would like that I spend more hours everyday then please do consider doing your part to keep me caffeinated by clicking this link!

  • Comments
  • Kingduskwolf said:
    What does borba mean?

    borba is the artist behind the soap opera about Judy wanting to abort the baby for her career and slapping Nick for stating that he considers that murder.

    It's really a non-sensical comic that nobody would read if the art wasn't as good as it is. I mean I have seen fanfiction with the same premise getting little to no attention because they are cheap writing with the sole porpuse to stir up negative emotions in the reader.

    And yet because borba's art is so good, people are eating his weird puppet show where he practically removed previously established character traits of Judy and Nick to make them argue in an unrealistic manner, and they actually side with Nick or Judy instead of realizing that neither of them is sensible or believable. The argument they make is just not lifelike, it's like two walking talkig pro-life/pro-choice propaganda posters arguing instead of a couple who love eachother.

    ^^ this was just one of the examples of the discussion that comic spurrs, I really would like to keep it off from Mr.Mead impeccable art and writing. Please let's get back to THIS comic.

    I really wonder which one of them won the giant carrot plush. The most logical to assume would be that it was Nick who won the strenght game, but we should not forget that Judy has proved in the movie that she is strong as hell... and she is angry and upset now. I kinda can see her take an angry swing with that hammer only to win and walk away because it did not made her feel any better

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  • RobCivecat said:
    borba is the artist behind the soap opera about Judy wanting to abort the baby for her career and slapping Nick for stating that he considers that murder.

    It's really a non-sensical comic that nobody would read if the art wasn't as good as it is. I mean I have seen fanfiction with the same premise getting little to no attention because they are cheap writing with the sole porpuse to stir up negative emotions in the reader.

    And yet because borba's art is so good, people are eating his weird puppet show where he practically removed previously established character traits of Judy and Nick to make them argue in an unrealistic manner, and they actually side with Nick or Judy instead of realizing that neither of them is sensible or believable. The argument they make is just not lifelike, it's like two walking talkig pro-life/pro-choice propaganda posters arguing instead of a couple who love eachother.

    ^^ this was just one of the examples of the discussion that comic spurrs, I really would like to keep it off from Mr.Mead impeccable art and writing. Please let's get back to THIS comic.

    I really wonder which one of them won the giant carrot plush. The most logical to assume would be that it was Nick who won the strenght game, but we should not forget that Judy has proved in the movie that she is strong as hell... and she is angry and upset now. I kinda can see her take an angry swing with that hammer only to win and walk away because it did not made her feel any better

    You've spent to much time on this.
    Please go to bed you've been on the internet to long.

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  • RobCivecat said:

    And yet because borba's art is so good, people are eating his weird puppet show where he practically removed previously established character traits of Judy and Nick to make them argue in an unrealistic manner, and they actually side with Nick or Judy instead of realizing that neither of them is sensible or believable.

    Wait. You've just described the ENTIRE hentai doujinshi industry.

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  • RobCivecat said:
    borba is the artist behind the soap opera about Judy wanting to abort the baby for her career and slapping Nick for stating that he considers that murder.

    It's really a non-sensical comic that nobody would read if the art wasn't as good as it is. I mean I have seen fanfiction with the same premise getting little to no attention because they are cheap writing with the sole porpuse to stir up negative emotions in the reader.

    And yet because borba's art is so good, people are eating his weird puppet show where he practically removed previously established character traits of Judy and Nick to make them argue in an unrealistic manner, and they actually side with Nick or Judy instead of realizing that neither of them is sensible or believable. The argument they make is just not lifelike, it's like two walking talkig pro-life/pro-choice propaganda posters arguing instead of a couple who love eachother.

    ^^ this was just one of the examples of the discussion that comic spurrs, I really would like to keep it off from Mr.Mead impeccable art and writing. Please let's get back to THIS comic.

    I really wonder which one of them won the giant carrot plush. The most logical to assume would be that it was Nick who won the strenght game, but we should not forget that Judy has proved in the movie that she is strong as hell... and she is angry and upset now. I kinda can see her take an angry swing with that hammer only to win and walk away because it did not made her feel any better

    Ahh ok i understand now, i actually don't understand because i noped the fuck out of that comic as soon as i got a wiff of what was really going on. Glad i did when i did.

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  • Just re-reading the series, in later panels Meads starts putting in cameo's of other Zootopian internet artists (typically from what is know as the /ZTG/ or 'Threads')
    Just wondering if he started here with Weaver's 'Skunkly, a bear?
    ps;be careful going into the threads, you may never come out...
    post #1132900

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