created by sanguinepuppy
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[CBT/GORE Warning!!]The Problem With Dog's And Glory Holes
by sanguinepuppy

Work boots crunched on dusty gravel as a hulking red malamute named Brandon made his way towards a shabby local truck stop. Frequented mostly by truckers hauling cattle or lumber out of the area, the truck stop was something of a hidden gem for its greasy little 'diner'. While heat lamp food might not be appetizing to most, the lackluster presentation ensured that wait times were short for what was the best fried chicken in the area.

Except for today that is. Brandon stared at the empty heat lamp in mild dismay. Normally a short wait for lunch wouldn't be a big deal. He'd done so a hundred times over. But today his boss, Larry, was expecting him to swing by for beers and some good old male bonding. Probably to spend the afternoon fixin' up Larry's old truck. Brandon had nursed something of a huge crush on the guy for ages. He simply couldn't bare the idea of being late and possibly tarnishing his reputation with Larry. What if Larry didn't want to hang out with him again after?

Brandon was contemplating skipping lunch altogether and just grabbing a coffee and a bag of chips when the middle aged bobcat behind the counter caught his attention. Her smirk told him she'd been watching his whole internal struggle play out.

"Honey, if you can wait about 15 minutes, I'll have the next batch ready for ya." She said with a smile.

Brandon checked the time with his phone and took a deep breath. He had plenty of time if he ate on the way.

"Oh, OK! That's fine Ma'am. I'll wait." Brandon said, walking away from the counter. While walking around the store, Brandon swiped over to the clock app on his phone and set a timer. If the food wasn't in 15 minutes, he'd just quickly grab the coffee and chips and go. Wandering around the store he realized really needed to take a piss. He changed course and made a beeline for the men's room, thinking over ways to calm his nerves. Otherwise he could end up being an awkward mess in front of Larry.

Brandon opened the door to the men's room and all the accompanying smells that came with it and headed for the line of urinals. Unzipping his cargo shorts, He slipped the waistband of his boxer briefs over his slightly damp prodigious sheath and balls. Grabbing his plump sheath, He aimed, relaxed, and released a strong stream of piss into the urinal. With his hand on his dick, he had an idea. Hadn't he read somewhere that an orgasm was good for calming the nerves? He could easily jack off in his truck while waiting for the food. Besides, if he jacked off beforehand, he also wouldn't be thinking with his dick while spending time with Larry. Didn't want to make a move too soon, and it had been ages since he'd nut at all! Shaking the last few drops of urine from the tip of his dick, Brandon turned to go, when movement caught his eye.

At the opposite end of the bathroom, near the end of the line of stalls, one of the door's stood ajar. Inside was an irregularity on the stall wall, but Brandon couldn't quite make it out. Taking a few tentative steps brought the irregularity into better view and his suspicion was confirmed. It was a glory hole. As Brandon watched, he saw movement beyond the hole and a finger slipped through and beckoned to him.

Brandon felt his face heat up. He was being propositioned! He wasn't seriously going to consider getting sucked off in some nasty truck stop bathroom. right? The thickening in his sheath however said otherwise. Brandon made his way to the stall and paused. What if it we're some weirdo on the other side? Brandon had read tons of horror stories online. Well, truth be told 'horror story' wasn't exactly accurate, 'erotic fiction' would fit better. But either way, he could be seriously be risking his dick and not as part of some secret fantasy! He felt his sheath thicken again. Truth be told he kinda liked the risk.

'Ah what the hell.' He thought stepping closer to the glory hole. He'd be planning on nutting anyway, why not here? besides oral would probably get him off faster. Brandon unzipped his shorts again and freed his now plumper sheath and balls. The hand shifted and made as if it was reaching for his sheath to cup it, the feline might've reached for it, but the size of the glory hole prevented it. Something about that made Brandon stop, but he wasn't sure what so ignored it. It looked like it had been cut with an average horse in mind, so Brandon would be able to get his dick THROUGH easy.

The fingers were feline and a creamy tan color, Brandon guessed either puma or cheetah but couldn't tell in the light. Many of the stories he'd read featured a nefarious cheetah, but they were just stories. Nevertheless, the idea that it was the same cheetah on the other side made Brandon's pulse quicken and he stepped closer. The fingers eagerly seized Brandon's sheath as his hips bumped against the stall walls. Warm, moist breath ghosted over the now exposed tip of Brandon's canine cock. Brandon wondered how the feline would react to the sheer size of his dick when it was fully erect. At least a foot long and If Brandon had to guess, the other male would barely be able to wrap his fingers around Brandon's grapefruit sized knot!

The feline male kneaded Brandon's sheath for a moment, then bounced it in his palm, as if inspecting the weight of it making Brandon smile. Then he slid the sheath back and swallowed Brandon down to the root, even at half mast this was no easy feat. Brandon let out a low sigh, bucking his hips slightly against the stall wall. The cat had started to purr, lashing the underside of Brandon's forming knot with his tongue. Brandon's breathing hitched and he felt the sides of his swelling knot begin to press against the cats teeth in a deliciously painful way. Despite the wonderful the mixture of sensations, Brandon worried that cat might draw the blowjob out. He was in a hurry after all.

Conscious of sounding rude Brandon said, "I'm s-sorry dude, but I have somewhere to be soon. Can you hurry and get me off? Please?"

There was a chuckle that Brandon felt through the root of his dick and he gasped as he felt the cat's teeth none too gently scrape over his knot and down the length of his shaft before his dickhead popped free of the felines mouth.

"Fine, I'll hurry, but only because you said 'please'" came the voice from the other stall.

The feline's mouth enveloped the end of Brandon's dick as the feline's hands grabbed his knot. One behind, fingers laced either side of the root to his dick and one where his shaft and knot joined. The feline began to bob and suck in earnest as the hands rhythmically squeezed and massaged Brandon's knot. Brandon legs shook and he could already feel his ball's begin to churn. Brandon couldn't recall be blown like this in ages, if ever. He couldn't help but pant and buck his hips uselessly as the feline took him down to his knot, easily eight inches of dog meat, with each travel down his length. After a while, when Brandon thought it couldn't get any better, the teeth showed themselves again, little flashes of pain as they scraped here and there, only serving to driving the dog even more crazy.

"Fuck dude! I'm getting close!" Brandon warned with a growl but the feline didn't relent. Brandon's balls were really churning now and the telltale pressure began to swell in his loins. With one final flash of teeth down his length, Brandon's orgasm burst from him with a snarl. The feline dutifully drank and lapped his cum but still Brandon came. The mouth pulled away and Brandon felt himself cumming instead onto one the arms of the hand still behind his knot.

There was another chuckle in the opposite stall and the voice said, "My, you must have been really pent up!"
"Y-yeah. A little." Brandon gasped, but just as Brandon's orgasm started to die down a shrill beeping filled the air.

The alarm! Had he really spent that much time in here? Snatching his phone out of his pocket Brandon saw that he, in fact, had. His heart sunk. He needed to leave now if he didn't want to be late! He would just have to do a walk of shame out of the truck stop with a foot of hard dog meat in his pants. He tried tugging his dick back through the hole but it didn't budge.

"Sorry dude, that was amazing, but I've really gotta go! Can you let go of my knot?" Brandon said, tugging twice more.

"Uhhh... I know, I let go as soon as your alarm sounded." The voice said, "Your knot's way too big for the hole. You're stuck."

Brandon's heart sank. It could take up thirty minutes for his knot to go down, maybe even an hour!

"C'mon dude! Push it! Something! ANYTHING! I gotta get free!" Brandon pleaded

"Anything?" asked the voice with a hint of doubt. "Are you sure? You might not like it."

"I'm sure dude!" Brandon said

There was a rustling and something long and thin touched behind his knot, then there was a loud ZIIIP! and whatever it was came down TIGHT on his cockroot. Brandon froze. That sound was awfully familiar. He knew that sound anywhere! Again something long and flat was being handled behind his knot and soon after came the same unmistakable zipping noise of a zip-tie being cinched TIGHT on his cockroot.

"I wasn't planning on doing this to you to be honest. I've mostly had my fill for now. Are you positive you want free like this?" asked the voice, as the hand returned behind Brandon's knot.

"P-Positive!" Said Brandon, knowing full well what this meant. "I-I'm stuck!! Can you get me loose-"

'Or not?' is how Brandon planned on ending that thought, but instead the words were lost as air rushed back into his lung in a gasp. The hand had tightened and something had dug painfully into his cockroot.

"AHH!! DUDE!" Brandon yelped, as 'the something' began to saw back and forth and Brandon felt himself able to shift his hips more as his 'predicament' began to loosen.

"Aww, quit bellyaching!" chided the voice,"This helps us both out!"

"Oh...Uh...T-Thanks?" Brandon said, as his breathing picked up again as he noticed that the feeling in the tip of his cock, which just before had still been sensitive and tingling from his very recent orgasm, was now just a distant tingling. Brandon was now positive the thing was a knife, and it kept sawing and suddenly two of the fingers that held his dick seemed to vanish into the same distant buzzing. Brandon began panting as he felt the sawing vibrate his root in a way that he knew spelt doom.

"Can you at least hurry up?" Brandon quietly asked. Sure, he'd read the stories, but to have it actually happening AND to be getting off to it was slightly embarrassing! The feline gave another chuckle and did as Brandon asked. The last two fingers vanished and the only sensation that was left was a curious tingle deep in the head of his dick. Suddenly Brandon was free and stumbled backwards landing on his rump. He stared at his crotch panting in arousal and shock. Same huge balls and same huge fuzzy sheath, but the sheath was flat with the long end to a zip-tie sticking out of it instead of his huge knotted cock! Brandon heard the feline approaching and looked up but his eyes saw nothing but his huge canine cock as the feline handed it to him.

In his hands it was heavy and hot and smelled powerfully of cum and himself. Brandon's balls were churning again as he massaged his empty sheath and without even thinking about it, opened his mouth and sucked his own dick down to the knot enjoying the taste and the the perverse fact that it was detached in his hands. His second orgasm was even more powerful and he nearly bit into the dick in his mouth. HIS dick! He rode out the waves of his second orgasm, enjoying the sensation of cum filling his empty sheath. Brandon then slid his own dick out of his mouth, scraping his teeth along the length as the cheetah had done. Because it WAS a cheetah standing over him, tent in his pants, watching Brandon cum hands-free from having his severed dick handed to him.

"I thought I'd give it back, but I didn't expect you to be so, uh, happy about it." Said the cheetah with a smirk. "So, aren't you in a hurry?"

"Oh yeah!" Brandon exclaimed, jumping to his feet and shaking the cheetahs hand with his cock free hand "Thanks again man! You really helped me out!"

Brandon then began trying to stuff his dick headfirst into one of his shorts pockets. Which when done left the entire knot sticking out.

"You should get that thing to a doctor pretty soon by the way." said the cheetah with a smile."Unless you're feeling particularly hungry."

Brandon looked at his bulging pocket for a moment and said "Shit, I'm gonna be busy fora few hours, and there's no time to cook it..." He then fished it out of his pocket and handed it back to the cheetah.

"Are you sure?" The cheetah asked looking genuinely surprised.

"Yeah! As a thanks for helping me!" Said Brandon with a winning smile "It'll only end up going to waste with me, and besides you only said you 'nearly' had your fill."

The cheetah took the foot of canine meat back thoughtfully and said, "How about you show back up here tonight? Say around midnight? Let me have your nuts too and I'll get you all patched up good as new afterwards."

"Oh uh.." Said Brandon, thinking it over.

"Hell yeah dude! Sounds Good! See ya then!" He said flashing another big smile and dashed out of the Bathroom still covered in cum with his balls and floppy, empty sheath still hanging out.

The cheetah smiled as he nibbled the tip off the canine cock. The dog has been right. THe HAD said he was only mostly full. He snapped into the first few inches of cock and tried to remember if he had any of the special healing serum left. The cheetah intended to use the stuff on the dog after he came back tonight and had given up his balls. He slid the head of the cock off the bone and rolled it around in his mouth before biting down, molars and bicuspids bisecting the head and couple inches of shaft. He then began to chew in earnest a smile curling his lips.

He knew he had been pretty low on the stuff last he checked, but wasn't sure if he was slam out. He sucked his way down the shaft, the majority of which was still left, until he reached the knot and bit down again. savoring the rich male canine flavors as he slid the length of meat off the bone.

'Either way,' he thought, chewing with relish, 'I'm going to be ready for a nap after all of this fine trucker cuisine, not to mention the malamute. I'll check the serum when I get back for my nap.'

Swallowing the shaft, he held what was left of the dick by the bone and root and bit into the knot like corn on the cob with a a crunch like an apple, and tore the knot in half.

'If I'm out, I'll just nut the dog', he thought as he swallowed the half of knot. 'It's not like he'll miss a dick without the balls to keep him horny.'

He crammed what was left of the knot and the root into his mouth and quickly swallowed that too.

'Definitely worth the effort to look into though,' I he thought as a wave of contentment and sleepiness washed over him. ' It's good to keep eager snacks on hand and I get a midnight snack!'

  • Comments
  • Can everyone just use blacklist? I get its not for everyone (me included, not into it myself) but it is good art. Dont ruin the score as if it was badly drawn

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