brightlight, carole, and estelle drace (blizzard entertainment and etc) created by blackprincebeast
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Night at the Horn and Claw Inn (Fringecore)

The soft moans filled the air on the border of Southern Barrens and Dustwallow Marsh through a open window at the new Claw and Horn inn built over where once Shady Rest inn once stood. A mix of human and tauren construction as protective wards glowing silently around the inn. Inside the room from which the moans emanated from was a sight to be seen.

There two worgen women sandwiched between a large black furred tauren. The one dark and white belly furred worgen laid on the furs below her as the tauren was between her legs. Her belly adorned with a swelling curve and swollen breasts. The other worgen hugged the tauren from behind while one of her hands reached down to grip the tauren’s maleness while whispering teasing and commanding orders as the tauren grunted as his maleness throbbed in her hand.

It was not long with the teasing and thrusts before the tauren and the dark furred worgen let out a cry of pleasure as they came. The other smirking with her work done. As the three of them laid on the furs for the moment to rest. The tauren, Brightlight, and the black furred worgen, Estelle, kissed while the tauren’s hand stroked Estelle belly lovingly. The brown furred worgen Carole meanwhile smiled before whispering to Brightlight’s ear before he chuckled. Before long two womanly moans soon began to fill the air once again…

A special request 2 (Nahysuh)

Soldiers of fortune, arms for hire, sellswords; some of the few names given to mercenaries depending on which locality one conducted business. While riches, glory and reputation were sought by many of them at war, some, such as Carole, preferred receiving their earnings through easier paths, away from such major conflict. Fear and the lack of courage weren't the reasons behind such decisions as for many who didn't go to war were more than aware of the atrocities and pain they brought. Remembrance of her younger years had forged our worgen, no longer would she be drafted in a canon fodder position giving it to the foolish new blood. With the ongoing campaign on some distance island keeping the factions busy, not much work for her kind could be found around as most folks were focused on providing resources for the war effort. Troublesome as it might be, Carole had been keeping most of her days busy at Gatgetzan's underground where she would play the bouncer role. Long were the days keeping an eye out for the shady looking patrons as they came and went. It was boring but it had to be done. With the exception of an orc being removed from the premise for mistreating one of the pleasure males, nothing else had really happened ever since. It wasn't until one day, when summoned to her superior's chambers, did she get the news of her dismissal. The sudden notice and the greed plastered all over the goblin's features was all the mercenary required to puzzle it out, a new contract had been acquired. Not the first time such a stunt was pulled on her without consent, Carole didn't mind. With stoic expression and air of resignation, she portrayed submission to her boss despite him truly never having such luxury, let him think he had control. In spite of the details within the special request being scarce, the needs for her services in particular and the contractees being a couple were clearly mentioned. Images of an odd pair passing a month ago flooded her mind. A Tauren and worgen had come to inspect the wares while on her guard duty. It only took the hint of everyone's availability in the room being conveyed to push the couple to act. They had taken their time surveying each and every possible exotic playmate, the boss being excluded, of course... Bloody goblin mentality... Each attempt made to lure the potential customers with promises of unforgettable nights and grand debauchery beyond their wildest dreams were met with nothing more than a nod from the Tauren, his companion remaining silent. However, despite it all, the mercenary had garnered more attention from the pair than others, even earning an inquisitive look from the other worgen female. Carole, being the professional she was, had remained at attention without so much a word. With the memory cast aside and nothing else to her agenda, Carole accepted the contract, packed up her things for the journey and began marching north with the full intention of guiding the couple through the art of pleasure and domination.

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