created by admyrrek
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Rocky Mountain Rivals: The Bison

So here's the companion piece to the ram.

Ralphie -- or Chip, not that either name strikes much awe in the heart -- calling out his adversary as he defends his Boulder valley.

Now I know the CU people call him a buffalo, but most accurately he is a bison. He turned out a bit more stereotypically plains Indian-equse than I intended, but a spear seemed right, obsidian is more interesting to draw than metal, and if not for the loin cloth thingy there would have been bison dick just hanging out. Now I'm sure most here would not mind that, but I really didn't want to buy two panels in the auction at RMFC just for a glancing shot of feral bovine penor.

This will be in the art show and auction at RMFC. Fluffy and I will be there and I'd love to meet more artists!

Graphite on Bristol
Actual size 11 x 14
Image size 10 x 13

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