andrew oleander and mark created by jackaloo
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Winter Blossoms - page 36


  • Comments
  • Sad but, needed. This is bad timing to be confessing your feelings when your crush is still in deep denial of liking someone. Too much going on and time is needed to heal :[

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  • artemis_furrson said:
    Aww I wanted Andy to choose Mark and they can be happy forever. Why must he reject Mark? ;A;

    It's bad timing. At this time, Andy still has unresolved feelings for Cooper. Had Andy confronted Cooper before this scene, Andy would better welcome Mark's confession and have a healthy start to a relationship. But now, trying to juggle if Cooper has any romantic connection with Andy regardless of pranks, abuse and playing with other girls, adding Mark to the picture is NOT going to make things better.

    But I feel REALLY bad for Mark.

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  • artemis_furrson said:
    Aww I wanted Andy to choose Mark and they can be happy forever. Why must he reject Mark? ;A;

    Because fate! Fate is what it is.

    Artist and stories writer are god in theirs stories, and fate is the plot.
    If an artist has choose someone to suffer,heart-broken, make wrong decisions, the characters would just did. They would never be happy until the end, AND THAT WOULD ALSO ONLY HAPPEN IF CREATOR CHOSE TO DO "HAPPY ENDING",and go along with the ship they want.

    If not, well ever body died.

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