hildegard (nintendo and etc) created by fidchellvore
  • Comments
  • nightwolf_starlight said:
    Hold up.
    "Master with me"? Did she eaten her master too?

    That might explain the voices of encouragement from earlier, doubt they came from here, but a prey slut trainer whom became part of their favorite Pokémon's aura...

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  • nightwolf_starlight said:
    Hold up.
    "Master with me"? Did she eaten her master too?

    clf3 said:
    That might explain the voices of encouragement from earlier, doubt they came from here, but a prey slut trainer whom became part of their favorite Pokémon's aura...

    I think Hildegard's backstory, on Fid's tumblr I think, says her trainer's death was an accident. I believe there was an image of the aftermath of the accident showing Hilde with her trainer's blood on her chest spike.

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  • Ah yes. Let's fight and win against a legendary bird who has a type advantage, because haha asspull of a mega evolution without a mega stone. Seems legit. Also, even though the type advantage is in Moltres's favor, eating a bird with feathers made of fire totally wouldn't hurt or damage hildegarde be wise plot convenience. It's decent vore, but it's radiating huuuuge 'main character' vibes. This worlds equivalent of 'So it's the same type of stand as Star Platinum' levels of asspull.

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  • zactrooper said:
    Ah yes. Let's fight and win against a legendary bird who has a type advantage, because haha asspull of a mega evolution without a mega stone. Seems legit. Also, even though the type advantage is in Moltres's favor, eating a bird with feathers made of fire totally wouldn't hurt or damage hildegarde be wise plot convenience. It's decent vore, but it's radiating huuuuge 'main character' vibes. This worlds equivalent of 'So it's the same type of stand as Star Platinum' levels of asspull.

    Also frustrating because the vs. Ekans and Arbok comic (as well as other one-shots) have made it clear that in this universe, type matchups determine how well one pokémon can digest another. Poison-type Arbok couldn't digest steel-type Lucario because of immunity, but fighting/steel-type Lucario would be at a double disadvantage to fire/flying-type Moltres, which means surely this should be a rough time for Hildegard? Sure, it wouldn't be immunity, but still unpleasant. Are we going to see that?

    But yeah, the whole story's going to be Hildegard winning, because that's sort of the point. It would be strange for Fid to end up ending the whole quest on an ignoble failure. The asspulls are irritating, though, and its hard to root for a character whose state goal is to bring one person back by devouring who knows how many others, all based off of a rumour that consuming enough aura would make it work out.

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  • doesnotexist said:
    Also frustrating because the vs. Ekans and Arbok comic (as well as other one-shots) have made it clear that in this universe, type matchups determine how well one pokémon can digest another. Poison-type Arbok couldn't digest steel-type Lucario because of immunity, but fighting/steel-type Lucario would be at a double disadvantage to fire/flying-type Moltres, which means surely this should be a rough time for Hildegard? Sure, it wouldn't be immunity, but still unpleasant. Are we going to see that?

    But yeah, the whole story's going to be Hildegard winning, because that's sort of the point. It would be strange for Fid to end up ending the whole quest on an ignoble failure. The asspulls are irritating, though, and its hard to root for a character whose state goal is to bring one person back by devouring who knows how many others, all based off of a rumour that consuming enough aura would make it work out.

    I haven't gotten to posting it yet, but in the start of the next comic Hildegard wakes with a splitting headache, most likely from a bad meal.

    Also the Arbok devoured Hilde when she had next to no damage, as well as 'leftovers' so to speak. Whereas here, Hestis is already mostly defeated.

    If you stop looking at this like it's a drama series of thrill and heartbreak, it's less offensive. These comics are posted in Fidchell's Discord, where the members collectively choose Hilde's actions. The one and only point is to eat the target, and it's a given that will be the case.

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  • xecxciic said:
    I haven't gotten to posting it yet, but in the start of the next comic Hildegard wakes with a splitting headache, most likely from a bad meal.

    Also the Arbok devoured Hilde when she had next to no damage, as well as 'leftovers' so to speak. Whereas here, Hestis is already mostly defeated.

    If you stop looking at this like it's a drama series of thrill and heartbreak, it's less offensive. These comics are posted in Fidchell's Discord, where the members collectively choose Hilde's actions. The one and only point is to eat the target, and it's a given that will be the case.

    Still, this just feels like an incredible amount of what critics like to call God Modding - In which in every single conflict, the conflict is one-sided and the "Hero" will never ever die... ever. I mean, at this point I don't think Hildegards HP or disadvantages matter; let's just boost her up with a million HP and make her a literal god (seen in the last 3 panels of a "new power"). Having Hildegard win at this point just has zero risk, she is literally an unkillable god, and will probably end up eating a god poke'mon at this rate. I just hope the line: "You won't get away with this" is some form of foreshadowing that Hildgards actions do indeed have consequences.
    And people will say : "But she got a headache from a bad meal one time."

    No, that's not what I am saying when I say her actions must have consequences; these consequences need to build up, accrue, and make a point that she indeed has affected the world in a major way and eventually will lose a battle. But at this point? I don't think even divine intervention can stop her.
    To be honest? She'll probably find a way to eat it...

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  • tirsiak_ingolf said:
    Still, this just feels like an incredible amount of what critics like to call God Modding - In which in every single conflict, the conflict is one-sided and the "Hero" will never ever die... ever.

    No, that's not what I am saying when I say her actions must have consequences; these consequences need to build up, accrue, and make a point that she indeed has affected the world in a major way and eventually will lose a battle. But at this point? I don't think even divine intervention can stop her.
    To be honest? She'll probably find a way to eat it...

    Though I skimmed this fight I look at it as an Onix vs meowth. Ryhorn vs Pikachu fight. The villian/MC "won" because their opponent took disproportionate damage from "environmental hazards" under any other circumstance they rightfully should have been stomped though, abruptly ending the story by throwing a duel type advantaged legendary would be a rather cheap death.

    Though he should be more careful about what she fights if she lacks moves like Bone Rush to cover her flying type disadvantage. Hopefully it is a one time thing and if there is actual consequences hopefully she would need help to bail her out of her mess or can evade long enough to find a fault to exploit besides an environmental hazard + "power of ghost friendship"

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  • werewolfwill said:
    Though I skimmed this fight I look at it as an Onix vs meowth. Ryhorn vs Pikachu fight. The villian/MC "won" because their opponent took disproportionate damage from "environmental hazards" under any other circumstance they rightfully should have been stomped though, abruptly ending the story by throwing a duel type advantaged legendary would be a rather cheap death.

    Though he should be more careful about what she fights if she lacks moves like Bone Rush to cover her flying type disadvantage. Hopefully it is a one time thing and if there is actual consequences hopefully she would need help to bail her out of her mess or can evade long enough to find a fault to exploit besides an environmental hazard + "power of ghost friendship"

    Or if she doesn't start acting more mercifully, show that this has a consequence such as majorly damaging the world and it's enviroment permanently ; and have that damage build up to a point that Hildegard pays an "ultimate price" for her actions, maybe by having Giratana or another pokemon that has god status having holy intervention and offing her should she kill enough pokemon via digestion: And the punishment fitting the crime being devoured with no way out. After all, Hildegard should not be seen as immortal, and she seems to take things for granted.

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  • Just make this comic a power fantasy already. after what has already happened in this comic, it is impossible drum up suspense these kind of scenarios.

    as it has been proven that nothing will EVER happen to our main character here; the only thing i can think of that can possibly add suspense now, is to add side characters for the lucario character to travel and make friends with, and for one or more of them to be UNRECLAIMABLY eaten, after, let's say about 3-4 pages in. that way, there is a real sense of danger for the one or more remaining side characters. It adds stakes and makes you anxious for they're safety.

    the only way to fuck that up, is to then make those side characters annoying as fuck, making our dear readers actively hope for their death.

    Fair enough?

    zactrooper said:
    Ah yes. Let's fight and win against a legendary bird who has a type advantage, because haha asspull of a mega evolution without a mega stone. Seems legit. Also, even though the type advantage is in Moltres's favor, eating a bird with feathers made of fire totally wouldn't hurt or damage hildegarde be wise plot convenience. It's decent vore, but it's radiating huuuuge 'main character' vibes. This worlds equivalent of 'So it's the same type of stand as Star Platinum' levels of asspull.

    Very much with you, this artist's work is great, but my disbelief can only be so suspended.

    tirsiak_ingolf said:
    Or if she doesn't start acting more mercifully, show that this has a consequence such as majorly damaging the world and it's enviroment permanently ; and have that damage build up to a point that Hildegard pays an "ultimate price" for her actions, maybe by having Giratana or another pokemon that has god status having holy intervention and offing her should she kill enough pokemon via digestion: And the punishment fitting the crime being devoured with no way out. After all, Hildegard should not be seen as immortal, and she seems to take things for granted.

    or, show that if she's not careful, her mind will start to shift to being more like some of the more wicked or mindless preds she's fought before. no longer working towards her goals, but instead only to eat or hurt others.

    And to hildegard(yes, the character); shut the fuck up. the odds where NEVER stacked against you.
    not even YOU believe that shit.


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  • tirsiak_ingolf said:
    I don't think even divine intervention can stop her.
    To be honest? She'll probably find a way to eat it...

    divine intervention literally saved her ass.
    in the most deus ex machina moment ever,


    no indication as to why the help, just "Here you go, a free do over none of your opponents will ever get."
    for me, this is a real piss take moment. Again, just make the comic a power fantasy and avoid the complaints entirely.
    nobody can say shit if it's the expected result, instead of the reality of trying to raise the stakes, with everyone knowing the stakes don't exist.


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  • sorry about the essay-like length of this post, but I wanna get this off my chest
    the art is amazing, and i love the style... but that STORY tho... really not a strong point to be sure.

    werewolfwill said:
    Though I skimmed this fight I look at it as an Onix vs meowth. Ryhorn vs Pikachu fight. The villian/MC "won" because their opponent took disproportionate damage from "environmental hazards" under any other circumstance they rightfully should have been stomped though, abruptly ending the story by throwing a duel type advantaged legendary would be a rather cheap death.

    Though he should be more careful about what she fights if she lacks moves like Bone Rush to cover her flying type disadvantage.

    bone rush is a ground type move, which flying types are fully immune to, no?
    also she won using... essentially nothing but fighting type moves like aura sphere. and the Onix vs Pikachu moment was shown to have did nothing...
    so yeah... this moment brought to you by a cheating bastard...

    also, as i can't help but deconstruct the things i like, i'll compound all the things I'd love an answer to:


    Gripe 1: she used extreme speed to, "jet out of the water."
    given we never see the bottom of the water, how did she build momentum? running doesn't translate to swimming and she was floating in middling depth...
    and the mid air trajectory change... again, i'm just going to leave that with a "someone did the math" and the math says "No, you can't. aslo the difference in a water type using watergun or the like to do it is 1) Constant propulsion, and 2) that directional change isn't happening all at once Hilde goes from one Direction to another instantly."

    Think of it as the difference between a jet taking off and reaching Mach 2, and getting hit by a car that is going mach 2.

    Gripe 2: the "Aura Harpoons" seems to be the same energy as aura sphere..., i feel that should have never worked. just at all.

    Gripe 3: Hilde stays under water a long time with how holding your breath works, especially in regards to underwater swimming, hild would have drowned, quickly catching a breath isn't the same as an initial breath taken for a dive, and that's just assuming she had the time to calm her breathing in the first dive.

    now add the factors:
    that she is injured.
    she has a wound that is STILL inflicting damage.
    evey new breath taken while still diving has Drastically worse efficiency.
    Hestis cannot have lost more that even 1/5 their HP based on moves used and including the "wave of water"(anime show fire types interacting with water just fine even some games do as well.)

    also, given body type and covering material play a large role in one's ability to dive, I'm damn sure hilde wouldn't be able to dive/swim fast enough to avoid attacks as her shape and fur would cause large amounts of drag, and also due to the fur, make you much heavier multiplied further with the fact that a lucario is heavy for it's size, being 54.0 kg, or 119.0 lbs. at 1.2 m or 3'11". most of which would likely be density. Whereas Multres is 60.0 kg or 132.3 lbs. at 2.0m or Height Height 6'07", which would likely be mostly the lean muscle a bird of her size would need to fly. (as a bird's skeleton and feathers are very light weight).

    Gripe 4: Mega evolving with neither a mega stone even being present, let alone on her, OR a partner to activate it. that "I feel him with me even now" is an example of "Deus Ex Machina"
    Aka: "God in the Machine" where something works or saves the day, no matter how hard it shouldn't.

    Gripe 5: no, your aura did not cause your fat ass to levitate.

    Gripe 6: using the "string" from the "aura harpoons" to bind Hestis' beak that is a smooth cylindrical pointed shape... let alone the fact that, she'd not be able to make the necessary motions to pull that off fast enough to outpace even a standard person's ability to react...

    Gripe 7: the amount of times i saw Hilde do something, and then catching myself singsongingly repeating Ace Trainer Liem's favorite montra of:
    "That's not a Mooooooove!"

    Last Multres arc Gripe(after going back and reading the whole comic,): After exclusively fighting what my competitive battler friend calls, and I quote, "Bitch tier Shitter pokemon",
    then pretty much literally dying to a snolax, Where'd hilde get the power/levels to fight a literal legend? let alone one that is a full counter to her... well, everything. and some how do much better then she did the snorlax, whom Hilde was a full counter to.

    xecxciic said:
    I haven't gotten to posting it yet, but in the start of the next comic Hildegard wakes with a splitting headache, most likely from a bad meal.

    Also the Arbok devoured Hilde when she had next to no damage, as well as 'leftovers' so to speak. Whereas here, Hestis is already mostly defeated.

    If you stop looking at this like it's a drama series of thrill and heartbreak, it's less offensive. These comics are posted in Fidchell's Discord, where the members collectively choose Hilde's actions. The one and only point is to eat the target, and it's a given that will be the case.

    not possible, as, again, Hestis cannot have lost more that even 1/5 their HP based on moves used and including the "wave of water".

    also, some of the fight seem to have been written with suspense/drama in mind, but seem to have no organic means of resolution.
    but i think this says it best:

    zanjll said:
    Just make this comic a power fantasy already. after what has already happened in this comic, it is impossible drum up suspense these kind of scenarios.

    as it has been proven that nothing will EVER happen to our main character here; the only thing i can think of that can possibly add suspense now, is to add side characters for the lucario character to travel and make friends with, and for one or more of them to be UNRECLAIMABLY eaten, after, let's say about 3-4 pages in. that way, there is a real sense of danger for the one or more remaining side characters. It adds stakes and makes you anxious for they're safety.

    the only way to fuck that up, is to then make those side characters annoying as fuck, making our dear readers actively hope for their death.

    Fair enough?
    And to hildegard(yes, the character); shut the fuck up. the odds where NEVER stacked against you.
    not even YOU believe that shit.

    all from a character that doesn't seem to have any really likable/redeeming personality traits... who would already be dead from the fight with arbok,(poison typing be damned, she was in a place that had no breathable air for literal hours...)

    Head Cannon, and truest possible event based on this comic's events alone; She is experiencing her "Last Dream" while unconscious and still inside Arbok. wether or not she is being digested.
    and I know, I saw the "Digestion Lowdown" pic... and yeah, I'm all for an artist taking artistic liberties and all, but I can't help but feel like those "Digestion rules" where only made to justify the Arbok Scene...
    as I think, "Yeah, type advantages/disadvantages could play apart in efficiency, but i feel type nullification wouldn't out right fully stop digestion, but just make it take yet a longer time."

    due to the fact that, while poison types can't damage steel types with Power Point attacks(PP moves), digestion is a passive bodily action. and that acid, while yes, Does have things that can resist it, Metal(including steel) is actually more reactive to most acids, and has greater effect on them(one might even say..., a super effect) to the point that, I honestly think nintendo should change the move acid(which Arbok DOES learn via lvl. up) to be the one move that can naturally damage a steel type.

    but there is also the ability "Corrosive"(of the Salazzle line). which allows both steel and poison types to be poisoned.

    but yeah... thank you for cumming to my ted talk.


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  • meakan said:
    sorry about the essay-like length of this post, but I wanna get this off my chest
    the art is amazing, and i love the style... but that STORY tho... really not a strong point to be sure.

    bone rush is a ground type move, which flying types are fully immune to, no?
    also she won using... essentially nothing but fighting type moves like aura sphere. and the Onix vs Pikachu moment was shown to have did nothing...
    so yeah... this moment brought to you by a cheating bastard...

    also, as i can't help but deconstruct the things i like, i'll compound all the things I'd love an answer to:


    Gripe 1: she used extreme speed to, "jet out of the water."
    given we never see the bottom of the water, how did she build momentum? running doesn't translate to swimming and she was floating in middling depth...
    and the mid air trajectory change... again, i'm just going to leave that with a "someone did the math" and the math says "No, you can't. aslo the difference in a water type using watergun or the like to do it is 1) Constant propulsion, and 2) that directional change isn't happening all at once Hilde goes from one Direction to another instantly."

    Think of it as the difference between a jet taking off and reaching Mach 2, and getting hit by a car that is going mach 2.

    Gripe 2: the "Aura Harpoons" seems to be the same energy as aura sphere..., i feel that should have never worked. just at all.

    Gripe 3: Hilde stays under water a long time with how holding your breath works, especially in regards to underwater swimming, hild would have drowned, quickly catching a breath isn't the same as an initial breath taken for a dive, and that's just assuming she had the time to calm her breathing in the first dive.

    now add the factors:
    that she is injured.
    she has a wound that is STILL inflicting damage.
    evey new breath taken while still diving has Drastically worse efficiency.
    Hestis cannot have lost more that even 1/5 their HP based on moves used and including the "wave of water"(anime show fire types interacting with water just fine even some games do as well.)

    also, given body type and covering material play a large role in one's ability to dive, I'm damn sure hilde wouldn't be able to dive/swim fast enough to avoid attacks as her shape and fur would cause large amounts of drag, and also due to the fur, make you much heavier multiplied further with the fact that a lucario is heavy for it's size, being 54.0 kg, or 119.0 lbs. at 1.2 m or 3'11". most of which would likely be density. Whereas Multres is 60.0 kg or 132.3 lbs. at 2.0m or Height Height 6'07", which would likely be mostly the lean muscle a bird of her size would need to fly. (as a bird's skeleton and feathers are very light weight).

    Gripe 4: Mega evolving with neither a mega stone even being present, let alone on her, OR a partner to activate it. that "I feel him with me even now" is an example of "Deus Ex Machina"
    Aka: "God in the Machine" where something works or saves the day, no matter how hard it shouldn't.

    Gripe 5: no, your aura did not cause your fat ass to levitate.

    Gripe 6: using the "string" from the "aura harpoons" to bind Hestis' beak that is a smooth cylindrical pointed shape... let alone the fact that, she'd not be able to make the necessary motions to pull that off fast enough to outpace even a standard person's ability to react...

    Gripe 7: the amount of times i saw Hilde do something, and then catching myself singsongingly repeating Ace Trainer Liem's favorite montra of:
    "That's not a Mooooooove!"

    Last Multres arc Gripe(after going back and reading the whole comic,): After exclusively fighting what my competitive battler friend calls, and I quote, "Bitch tier Shitter pokemon",
    then pretty much literally dying to a snolax, Where'd hilde get the power/levels to fight a literal legend? let alone one that is a full counter to her... well, everything. and some how do much better then she did the snorlax, whom Hilde was a full counter to.

    not possible, as, again, Hestis cannot have lost more that even 1/5 their HP based on moves used and including the "wave of water".

    also, some of the fight seem to have been written with suspense/drama in mind, but seem to have no organic means of resolution.
    but i think this says it best:
    all from a character that doesn't seem to have any really likable/redeeming personality traits... who would already be dead from the fight with arbok,(poison typing be damned, she was in a place that had no breathable air for literal hours...)

    Head Cannon, and truest possible event based on this comic's events alone; She is experiencing her "Last Dream" while unconscious and still inside Arbok. wether or not she is being digested.
    and I know, I saw the "Digestion Lowdown" pic... and yeah, I'm all for an artist taking artistic liberties and all, but I can't help but feel like those "Digestion rules" where only made to justify the Arbok Scene...
    as I think, "Yeah, type advantages/disadvantages could play apart in efficiency, but i feel type nullification wouldn't out right fully stop digestion, but just make it take yet a longer time."

    due to the fact that, while poison types can't damage steel types with Power Point attacks(PP moves), digestion is a passive bodily action. and that acid, while yes, Does have things that can resist it, Metal(including steel) is actually more reactive to most acids, and has greater effect on them(one might even say..., a super effect) to the point that, I honestly think nintendo should change the move acid(which Arbok DOES learn via lvl. up) to be the one move that can naturally damage a steel type.

    but there is also the ability "Corrosive"(of the Salazzle line). which allows both steel and poison types to be poisoned.

    but yeah... thank you for cumming to my ted talk.

    Hey sorry if I mess this up. This is my first time commenting here. Wanted to say that I checked Her ref and benefit of the doubt. She's neutral. Not really a bad person but not a good one either. Granted In this case I'd take "neutral" loosely but other than that everything you said was fair. Sorry to bother.

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  • I have a feeling why this story has a lot of plot armor is cause of a "twitch plays pokemon" thing but instead its discord and a story

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