created by ruaidri


What's this, the sixth clean picture from me in a row? Holy god it's been a while since I've been on a clean streak like this, hahaha.

I dunno, just not feeling very porny at the moment. Might be because I'm rather depressed lately and people keep making it worse, but I dunno xD Also, can't think of a decent title >.>

Tried something a little different with this one, wanted to avoid drawing a defined cheekpuff like you see most people do. I have no problem with them, and they look good, but they don't make much sense xD So I figured I'd give a go of defining it with the fur instead of ink. Dunno how well it worked, but meh.

All in all not too displeased with this picture. The background is lame, but was just slapped there to avoid anothe full single colour wash again anyway. The character looks alright too.

And to think, half way through, I was really really close to just throwing this one away. I didn't like how it was going at all. :P Let that be a lesson to all you beginning artists out there.... finish -everything-. Even if it seems like it's utter fail half way through, these things have a way of pulling themselves together if you continue to work hard at them.

Anyway, just sorta playing around to get back into the swing of working with paint after so long off. Lemme know what you think!

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