shai created by miranda leigh
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“AUGH!” Without any hint of warning, the statue suddenly shattered in her grip, crystal and gold reduced into tiny shards. When the crystal broke, the purple liquid stored inside it splattered across her form, soaking her from head to toe. “Oh nasty! What is this stuff?” She spat, wiping her mouth a little as the liquid began to feel warm across her frame. As she looked at her hands, she noticed the stuff was starting to eat away at her clothing, her gloves practically disintegrating. “Shit, it’s dissolving my gloves!” she complained. But that was the least of her problems right now as the warmth began to spread through her.

“ tingles...” She moaned, starting to breathe heavier now, her breasts starting to swell against her tearing top, her nipples leaving large imprints in them as they pushed out further. Her fingers were slowly growing a little longer and thicker now, her claws growing out a few inches as they widened, becoming talon-like in appearance. She could feel her fur growing harder where the goo covered her, stained purple as the hairs slowly merged into scales, her chest retaining its silver coloration as the areas of her that were not soaked shed their fur, scales growing in their place.

She groaned as she felt a few slight pains in her head, her vulpine ears stretching and diffusing, splitting into three large tendrils as a purple webbing grew between them. A pair of bumps formed below her growing hairline as her eyes narrowed slightly, the violet coloration of her irises turning a feral yellow as the pupils stretched into thin slits. As her eyes changed, her sense of sight increased dramatically, being able to see pretty much everything now, every speck of dust in the air. Another groan left her maw as it began to slowly stretch outwards a little, her fangs growing broader and larger as thick scales replaced her eyebrows.

Her neck cricked a little as it began to stretch slightly, new vertebrae growing into place as it became more flexable, silvery scutes covering the front. “Mff...Gotta get out of here...but not without some treasure f-first...!” She panted, trying her best to fight off the lustful urges that were starting to wash over her, not noticing that whilst all this was going on, she was slowly growing in size, now over nine feet tall, not showing any signs of slowing down any time soon.

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