kidden eksis and octo (russo-ukrainian war) created by octohat
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Let's be honest here; We all know the situation in Ukraine is fucked right now. At this point, all we can really do is support the effort from afar and hope the whole thing blows over peacefully. So please, me and OctoHat hope that you'll find it in your hearts to donate if you can. In these trying times, just remember to be kind to one another.

If you would like, here's the link I've personally donated to. It's reliable and fairly easy, so please do what you can.: https://www.malteser-international....../donation.html

  • Comments
  • fidelio68 said:
    Both sides are corrupt and lets not ignore the fact 'PPL DONT ACTUALLY CARE'. Nobody cares when there's conflict in the middle east since forever, or insert civil war/ coupe in Africa. but GOD FORBID the conflict comes to Europe after DECADES of NATO "poking the bear".

    the enemy of my enemy, IS STILL MY ENEMY.

    ps. insert H.C laundering money for the fake news that was 'RUSSIA-GATE'

    For real no one talks about Azerbaijans invasion of armenia thats still going on if people actually cared they'd speak up but no apparently muslims wanting to genocide more Armenians is okay for some reason

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  • you see its a subtle joke. the sign says sneeds feed and seed, which is funny in itself. but if you notice, it also says formerly chucks. this implies that the store used to be called chucks seed and feed.

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  • buttsauce said:
    This is a porn website not reddit

    It's an art website, not exclusively for porn. And art is an outlet for expression and change. It's about the message of helping people in dire circumstance, not politics.

    War is bad.


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  • First comment on this site ever. Honestly can’t believe how many russian sympathizers there actually are here. Stand with Ukraine

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  • theramofgual said:
    First comment on this site ever. Honestly can’t believe how many russian sympathizers there actually are here. Stand with Ukraine

    Not only outright Pution sympathizers, but also people who falsly belive that not talking about the problem will help anything.

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