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⮚ "Thirst in the Thicket" ⮘ by Vixel on Inkbunny

Originally those fox milking renders from from Auto-matin' had a different 'milking machine'. This one is smaller, but just as effective. >.>

This was a fun practice project to get comfy with the end-to-end animation workflow in Blender. All the assets come from third party gamedev markets. I modified the adult fox with a custom genitals rig, and re rigged both foxes to be easier to manipulate in Blender. Got used to sculpting for some shape changes, did some UV remapping, shader adjustments, figured out the timeline tool, multicamera rendering etc.

I learned a ton from this project. ^w^ Looking forward to doing these (and the industrial milking ones) over later with better models and more flexible rigging!

Converted using FFmpeg: -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pix_fmt yuv420p -b:a 192k -b:v 2000k -minrate 1500k -maxrate 2500k -crf 16 -quality good -speed 4 -pass 2

  • Comments
  • It's been a while since she had a good feed. Make sure she eats all she needs she needs and more.

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