coffee the dragon (mythology) created by marii5555
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  • hey, i feel i should let you know the person who comed this (CoffeeDraggy) has been outed publicly as a pedo/zoophile. do what you will with that info.

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  • sparrowlark said:
    hey, i feel i should let you know the person who comed this (CoffeeDraggy) has been outed publicly as a pedo/zoophile. do what you will with that info.

    Wait, what

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  • sparrowlark said:
    literally look up his name on google, his account here was banned for promoting zoophilia and generally being creepy. its also not like he hides it either.

    I did try looking him up. But in him being banned/suspended, I couldn't really find anything. That's the downside. When sites do ban/suspend users, they also tend to remove all their content. Especially the offending content.
    His FA is still up, but it didn't reveal much. Maybe I haven't dug enough.

    So. All I really know is just that. He was banned/suspended. Not why.
    Not saying you're wrong, but I'm not going to extrapolate in that way.

    Just in case you think I'm being unreasonable...

    No, I >don't< trust hearsay.


    If you can find me "an original post" of Coffee declaring how great it is to fuck cats & dogs, I'll take that.
    >I'm not going to do that myself.<
    Because you're the one who came here with the accusation, the burden is with you.
    I did my search already.


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  • sparrowlark said:
    theres tones of old twitter posts with screenshots of his accounts talking about such, he was even banned on this site for promoting it

    As per "promoting" thats simply bs. How you can "promote" a sexual preference? By that logic im promoting to be Bisexual too... Also "Being creepy" - Lol i got that for "Harassing a Lucario jerking off" (My whole comment was "i wish i could help him out") So there's that. But i find funny how a person with animal genitalia on his avatar hates a zoosexual. But hey, i was an anti too, until i realised i was in denial as most furries are. If you wanna know what i promote, is basically, Free thinking, and pursue truth above ALL. Especially in a world full of lies and hate.

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  • 11110100110101000111 said:
    I did try looking him up. But in him being banned/suspended, I couldn't really find anything. That's the downside. When sites do ban/suspend users, they also tend to remove all their content. Especially the offending content.
    His FA is still up, but it didn't reveal much. Maybe I haven't dug enough.

    So. All I really know is just that. He was banned/suspended. Not why.
    Not saying you're wrong, but I'm not going to extrapolate in that way.

    Just in case you think I'm being unreasonable...

    No, I >don't< trust hearsay.


    If you can find me "an original post" of Coffee declaring how great it is to fuck cats & dogs, I'll take that.
    >I'm not going to do that myself.<
    Because you're the one who came here with the accusation, the burden is with you.
    I did my search already.

    "If you can find me "an original post" of Coffee declaring how great it is to fuck cats & dogs, I'll take that. " - Thank you, but good luck finding me promoting any sexuality, all i "promote" is acceptance overall for all, while despising those who condone rape, and hurting others, for sexual pleasure or otherwise. ZooSexuals and ZooSADIST are not the same, nor ever will be. We hate Sadists.

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  • zetadragon said:
    "If you can find me "an original post" of Coffee declaring how great it is to fuck cats & dogs, I'll take that. " - Thank you, but good luck finding me promoting any sexuality, all i "promote" is acceptance overall for all, while despising those who condone rape, and hurting others, for sexual pleasure or otherwise. ZooSexuals and ZooSADIST are not the same, nor ever will be. We hate Sadists.

    While I somewhat agree with the Harkness test (even if it is a joke), you seem to be toeing a line.
    I've yet to find, or read anything nonfiction about, a creature that comprehends what they're doing, outside other humans & maaaybe dolphins. & that's even if they are "frisky."
    & the story about a cougar raping a hiker is from a satire site. Fake BS.

    But if "zoosexuals" can at least understand the infinitesimally small chance of finding a cute fuzzy that even knows what sex is, much less to even do the do, then sure...
    I'll agree tolerance is right here.
    But even if not, I have better things to do. Like making meme posts. :V

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  • sparrowlark said:
    further here is one of his more recent twitter profiles

    Well. I already know about the "zoosexual" part, seeing as he replied to me directly.
    So AFAIC that's confirmed. (Though I still barely care.)

    But seeing the profile mention "MAP" ...


    Also. You're going to post all his baggage anyway.
    You don't need to reply to me.
    I'd prefer if you didn't.

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  • 11110100110101000111 said:
    Well. I already know about the "zoosexual" part, seeing as he replied to me directly.
    So AFAIC that's confirmed. (Though I still barely care.)

    But seeing the profile mention "MAP" ...


    Also. You're going to post all his baggage anyway.
    You don't need to reply to me.
    I'd prefer if you didn't.

    Nah, I'm done. At this point. You can see who he is now.

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