edge created by chokinghazard
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Stare For As Long As You Need

Skipping straight to the technical talk on this one.

I decided to shake things up even more than last time with the way I do these things. For those who read the description on my last two posts, you know I’ve been messing with digital shading for a bit and, for this post, I decided to take it a step further. Taking advantage of the fact that, naked, Edge doesn’t have much color, I decided to try and apply both color and shading digitally, leaving only the line art to be made traditionally. I am delighted by the result, especially on the cock, adding to the fact this is my second time ever (counting in the one sketch I did yesterday) drawing this pose, I see it as quite the achievement. Overall this one was a bit more of a challenge than the previous ones to make but I had as much fun with process if not more.


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