monster hunter and etc created by lone-scarab
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  • bluefoxdragon said:
    Given the lore, it probably went there to die.

    just as all eldars do, well maybe not mr living volcano tutle. that sucker dies out in the ocean because thats a overload of energy if you follow the lore. also would likly squish the ENTIRE vail and crush the highlands.

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  • darksouls4leaked said:
    God man why is Narkarkos in the vale in the first place >:(

    Either to die, as most elders do. In the New World, many species of Elder Dragon are far more Docile; Kushala, Teo, even Kirin! In the old world (games) those elders were young and vicious, but the ones we meet in World are old and nearing their natural death, so they are far more at peace with the world around them... until a hunter comes up and hits them in the face with a very big hammer. So in this image, it's possible Nakarkos went to the vale to die and ended up in conflict with Vaal.
    What I find more likely is that Nakarkos saw the Rotten Vale as what it would be to him: an all-you-can-eat buffet. You know how Deviljho is constantly hungry and hunting? Nakarkos is that but on steroids, with a tiny difference. Deviljho hunts because it's constantly hungry, Nakarkos hunts because he just really enjoys eating. Like, if the Sin of Gluttony was a monster it would be Nakarkos. So Nakarkos goes to the Vale for free food and ends up encroaching on Vaal's turf, and Vaal fights to protect its home.

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  • ridley_dragmire said:
    Either to die, as most elders do. In the New World, many species of Elder Dragon are far more Docile; Kushala, Teo, even Kirin! In the old world (games) those elders were young and vicious, but the ones we meet in World are old and nearing their natural death, so they are far more at peace with the world around them... until a hunter comes up and hits them in the face with a very big hammer. So in this image, it's possible Nakarkos went to the vale to die and ended up in conflict with Vaal.
    What I find more likely is that Nakarkos saw the Rotten Vale as what it would be to him: an all-you-can-eat buffet. You know how Deviljho is constantly hungry and hunting? Nakarkos is that but on steroids, with a tiny difference. Deviljho hunts because it's constantly hungry, Nakarkos hunts because he just really enjoys eating. Like, if the Sin of Gluttony was a monster it would be Nakarkos. So Nakarkos goes to the Vale for free food and ends up encroaching on Vaal's turf, and Vaal fights to protect its home.

    teo i find still is a VARY evil nusance, the him and his queen are just cold on agro but aside from nerguganti who is by nature agressive so excused, the rest are ya real chill but i also suspect they dont inatly see the hunters as a problem thus you can chill with em quite well infact i enjoy just vibing with vaal a lot.

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