megan thorne, penny fenmore, schmitty the guard dog, and tiffany frost created by jonas and team penny

Totally normal display of conjuring here, nothing to see, folks!

Patrons saw this last week! If you wanna see what Megan is up to RIGHT NOW, come join us at! Otherwise, we'll all find out together next week!!

  • Comments
  • kts said:
    Oh right everyone can see magic but everyone can't use magic.

    Sounds like an average day in any fantasy game.

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  • The correct response to someone saying that you shouldn't waste your time being friends with people because of innate characteristics beyond their control is not to deny that the person doesn't have those characteristics, it is to walk away as the person saying that is a despicable person.

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  • tjmalus said:
    The correct response to someone saying that you shouldn't waste your time being friends with people because of innate characteristics beyond their control is not to deny that the person doesn't have those characteristics, it is to walk away as the person saying that is a despicable person.

    Ah, to live in the utopia where everybody believed that! Sadly, its probably the minority view, if you consider humanity as a whole. Ostracizing or oppressing people because of innate characteristics has always been a human pastime.

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