created by gator (artist)
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The cat skimmed down the checklist, key ring jingling in his other paw. It was his night to close the department store, and he did it with a spring in his step, turning off lights and locking shutters as he whistled a peppy tune. His current task was “Put hangers in hanger bin”, and as he opened the dressing room door to collect them, his heart skipped a beat – there was a customer still in there! The cat recognized him instantly; he was an older walrus gentleman who had been shopping for suits earlier. How could he forget that mustache? His face was clenched in concentration, but he opened one eye and smirked as his gaze made contact with the cat’s… it was only then that the cat realized what the old gentleman was up to, and what he had in mind. The color drained from the young feline’s face, save for an intense blush rising in his cheeks. Adrenaline pumped through his body as the cogs turned in his head. They were the only ones in the store, hidden from the security cameras… his boss would never know… Galvanized by the walrus’s smile, the young cat stepped inside, and locked the door behind him.

  • Comments
  • nrein said:
    Please tell me I'm not the only one that saw Nigel Thornberry

    DragonstoneWolfe said:
    I got Jamie Hyneman/Adam Savage from Myth Busters.

    I saw both. ;;

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