zidonuke created by subdivisions
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The bunny found himself locked away in an insane asylum after an incident in the part with indecent exposure. He swore he was innocent making sure there was no one around but suddenly people came by and saw him in the act. After being jailed for the night the authorities had trouble with him when he was caught again attempting to masturbate. Confounded by the rabbit's incessant need to touch himself he was committed to the asylum to help with what was seen as a sex addiction problem.

The first few days he was there he was confined to the low-security wing and monitored for a bit. During the day he would be completely normal and intelligent and seemingly able to control himself. However, one night nurses were checking in on him and found him once again making a rather large mess over his bed. He was then moved up to another security level for closer monitoring.

After a few more incidents of him losing self-control, as a part of his therapy the doctors decided that a chastity device would assist him. It seemed to work for a few nights but then his behavior started to become extremely combative and resistant. Attempts to strap him down were defeated by his cleverness and intellect. He was then moved to the maximum security wing...

So now here he was, strapped down by multiple points and left in a padded cell for most of the day. Attempts to release him from his bonds resulted in him quickly pulling extremely hard at his chastity device and loudly begging to cum. We were confounded by his insatiable needs and have given up on rehabilitation of the subject. His restraints are now locked, and his chastity device hasn't been removed in the past 2 years of his treatment. Nurses check on him once a day to change his diaper and check on his vitals. He's been mostly a forgotten patient now as the doctor who ordered his confinement moved on long ago, the people there just know to feed, clean, and generally ensure he stays in good health since his charts show extreme violence when unrestrained.

After an incident with a nurse feeling pity for the patient and releasing him from his restraints, we had to resort to padlocks and a large notice on his charts to ensure other staff don't do anything to him. Finally, he has to be muzzled since he would be known to scream loudly when his mind wandered into his sexual wonderland, causing harsh erections.

Today we see the rabbit in his usual position, restrained and needy, while the nurse was changing him, still embarrassed by his situation.

  • Comments
  • This is cruel but not for the reason you think it is. Being like this for so long would cause bed sores. Basically bed sores happen when the weight of your body causes parts of your body (skin, muscle, tissue, etc.) that have been making physical contact with something for too long to die and decay. Search images up on google if you are curious but be warned because they are pretty gross.


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