bolt (bolt (film) and etc) created by metalfox
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Authors note:

Alright, so this is a little story I wrote for MetalFox, who approached me with a story idea and this deliciously awesome Bolt pic to go with it.

It’s packed with shameless Bolt smut, vibrating squeaky toys and questionably scientific accuracy. Hope you enjoy!

DISCLAIMER. The Penny featured in this story is of legal age and definitely an ADULT, that is to say, not of the age as Penny from the original movie.


Bolt: In a Tight Pinch


The blast wave blew the steel doors wide open, leaving only crumbled steal and smoldering blocks of concrete in its wake. Steam immediately started pouring out the damaged wall while distant sirens announced his arrival.

None of this concerned the superdog when he made his way through the destruction he had caused.

What’s the point of building blast doors if aren’t blast proof? He wondered as he casually skipped through the hurdle, passing over two or three unconscious bodies in the process, each one clad in the armor of Calico Corporations personal security - the distinctive yellow eye clearly visible against black kevlar.

He would have expected infiltrating The Green Eyed man’s complex to be a little bit more difficult. As a matter of fact, he felt pretty proud of himself. Somewhere in the giant complex, the Green Eyed Man was hiding. And he, Bolt, was going to find him.

His ears perked up when he heard some noises. Spinning around, he saw one of calico’s downed henchmen reaching for his plasma rifle. The rifle melted into pieces the second he picked it up, courtesy of the white shepherd’s heat vision. What came next was a perfectly delivered chop to his head which made the soldier stagger and fall. Bolt towered the body, asserting the damage. He’d wake up in a few hours with a headache, but well and alive, potentially with some memory loss. Even superdogs knows when to apply discretion. He was one of the good guys after all.

The white shepherd looked around, finding himself in some sort of laboratory with clean metal desks and sterile white walls, and a number of seemingly identical doors, none of them offering any clues as to where they might lead. Or where he might find his nemesis. He was just about to proceed to the closest available exit when he heard a robotic voice echo through the facility.


The shepherd looked up in time to see an array of beeping machinegun turrets folding out from various hatches in the roof, their red lasers already aiming at his fuzzy chest.

Oh shit.

He ducked, escaping a stream of high-caliber machine gun fire, then bolted towards an air vent, bullets bouncing around him. Kicking in the hatch, he managed to scoop inside in time to narrowly avoid another burst of poorly aimed turret fire.

Good thing these type of buildings always house gigantic, easily accessible air shafts.

Crawling through the tight ventilation shaft, he quickly went over the plan in his head. Find The Green Eyed Man. Eliminate him. Return home to Penny and receive plenty of complimentary belly rubs and potentially other things. Like all good plans, it was pretty straight forward.

Following his nose through the ventilation system, he finally reached an air exit culminating into a big, mostly empty room, looking much like a hangar. He slowly walked into the room, senses on high alert. The hangar was dark and empty, but he could definitely smell something. Someone.

Sneaking through the pervasive darkness, all senses on high-alert, the white shepherd stopped when he heard breathing. His pointy ears instantly perked up, twitching and turning, scanning the area like a pair of furry radars.

A soldier? The Green Eyed Man? There was only one way to find out.

Stalking through the hanger, the agile dog quickly found the source of the sound, then launched forward, his paws pushing and pinning down something small and soft.

It screamed, and the lights flashed on, momentarily blinding him. The creature he had pinned down managed to squeeze out from under him and when he regained his vision, he could see the fat birman cat looking anxiously at him. Bolt recognized the cat. It was one of the Green Eyed Man’s filthy pets.

“Don’t kill me Mr. Superdog. I’m a fan. I promise!”

“I don’t care. Tell me where your puppet master is hiding and I won’t have to superbark you into oblivion!”

“He doesn’t know where he is “

Another cat appeared, this one a black and sleek with orange eyes.

“Well one of you hairballs better start talking before my superbark has charged up” Bolt growled.

“Oh you naïve dog.” The cat casually licked his paw. “How I pity your species and your limited cognitive abilities. Our dear Calico master is far away from here, dog. In fact, he was never hear to begin with. This is not like his evil liar or whatever.”

“Don’t lie to me, cat. The Green Eyed Man must be here! Why else would you construct this secluded facility out here in the bloody Himalayas?” Bolt stared at the cat, trying to look more angry than confused.

-“Well for you of course.” The cat flashed him a sardonic smile, which was the last thing Bolt saw before the floor opened up below him and fell through the air.

He closed his eyes, bracing for impact when suddenly he felt something cold and metallic grab his paw. Another metal arm, which looked like some sort of metallic tentacle, reached out and wrapped itself around his stomach while a third found and wrapped itself around his leg, stopping his fall, but also seizing him completely.

But instead of trying to rip him apart, the tentacles simply lifted him to an elevated platform, carefully lying him down on a mattress, although not without also securing him in place by wrapping around his middle and torso, snug and tight. The confused canine struggled against the tentacles, trying to get a good look on what he was laying on. The mattress was secured to a metal rib, looking a bit like an operating table, although instead of medical equipment, the table was hooked up to an assortment of different machines and instruments.

Looking up, he also noticed the two cats on another elevated platform behind a control panel.

“What are these things!? Answer me your filthy, devious hairballs!”

“Well, you see Bolt. Our feline scientist team has been researching ways to extract some your bioelectromagnetic powers for a long time now. For our own evil purposes, obviously“

“Evil? I knew it! Well your devious plans are utterly futile, feline. There is no way to extract my powers. I’m too powerful!”

“Yeah, see that’s what we thought” the orange-eyed cat continued. “Then we realized that the only way to extract your power is an even stronger reflux of the same power to nullify your turboelectric charging. Which we also found can be achieved with the right electrodynamic machine combined with, well … and this isn’t my idea by the way… the host’s sudden discharge of accumulated neurological tension. Sexual tension. “

-“Sexual?” Bolt ears perked up.

-“Ehm yeah.” The cat seemed to fidget a bit. ”For some reason, the only way to cause a powerful enough discharge from you is to make you orgasm. We ran the numbers twice, and this was the only solution which was compatible with the theory of relativity. And that’s where our Electrodynamic-Penetrator-2000 comes in!”

Bolt could see the cats pressing a series of buttons on control panel and blue currents energy started emerging from machines hooked up to his table. An electric current shoot through his body, but the sensation wasn’t painful. Instead, it felt like a tingling caress sweeping over him.

- Stupid cats! You forget that my bioelectric fur protects me against all electrodynamics manipulation!”

- “Yes but it doesn’t protect you everywhere. Which, incidentally, is also where our Electrodynamic -Penetrator comes in!“

Bolt was going to ask what exactly the black cat meant with ‘everywhere’ when the machine under him sparkled to life and a faint buzzing could be heard from behind him. Or more specifically, the area between his legs just behind the canine’s exposed rear. Looking down, he could see a lone metal tentacle raise, a strange rubber shape extending from its tip. For some reason, it looked just like friend Mr. Carrot, but was covered in a slimy substance and giving away a peculiar orange glow.

- “Are you really going to put that… inside of me?”

- “Oh yes. It’s only way to extract some of your incredible, incredible power! I suggest you relax and try to enjoy it.”

- “But why does it have to be shaped like a carrot?”

- “Because of electromagnetic…supersciency… reasons. Nevermind that! Fellow feline colleague, start the procedure!”

- “With pleasure!” the barman responded. His grey paws danced over the control panel, pressing a sequence of buttons ending with a large red one with the letters “PENETRATE” written on it. The machine started humming and a robotic voice echoed:


The increasingly anxious captive looked down to see the tentacle behind him aligning its slimy rubber phallic at his most private area of his body. He could hear a steady buzzing coming from the rubber end, and saw that it had started to vibrate vigorously while slowly moving towards him with the cold indifference of a machine.

It made the shepherd gulp and close his eyes as he braced himself for what he assumed would be one of the most uncomfortable experiences of his life.

It wasn’t.

Bolt shuddered when he felt the slick, warm tip nudge at his entrance, then stretching his muscled ring slightly as the first inch of vibrating rubber made its way inside of him.

“Ooonnnngh!” The sensation squeezed an involuntary gasp out of the surprised canine, sending a spontaneous, electric wave of foreign pleasure through his quivering, slender body.

Each vibration of the rubber toy sent another shiver through him, traveling from his tight, invaded hole through his body and even down to his member. It felt electric. But even more so … it felt incredibly good. Even though, he would die before he admitted to the generate felines who controlled the machine.

- “You’ll never get to me… mmmf… orgasm, you evil creatures of darkn… OoHhhhh!”

His words morphed into an uncontrolled moan the toy pressed another inch into his body and the undeniably enjoyable vibrations increased in force, making those electric waves of pleasure even more unbearable.

The black calico chuckled: “Oh we’ll see about that! Our psycho-profile of you says that this treatment should align pretty well with your personal … predispositions“

Bolt was about to retort but he could only give a pitiful, pleasured yelp when another few inches of rubber carrot forced its way inside the dog’s firm ass, the pulsing artificial shaft massaging and pushing against his slick velvet walls in a way that drove the discombobulated hero insane. His body reacted immediately; strong muscles clenched down around the intruding machine, involuntarily sending another wave of pleasure through Bolt, causing his tip to slip out of his plump sheath, thus announcing his pleasure to the feline audience.

He looked around, at the tentacles holding him place, at the rubber carrot, at the cats who viewed him with suspicious interest, and at least, at his own tip that had already started emerging from his sheath. His cheek instantly blushed up and he cursed his own body for actively working against him. The worst part was that he couldn’t deny the strong pleasures given to him by the intruding member, prodding unexplored places inside of him, causing feelings and sensations he didn’t knew he could feel. Fighting it felt hopeless.

It was as if the machine had read his thoughts, because that same second, the vibrating dildo retracted itself a few inches, then forced itself back in, sinking most of the entire slimy length into his tunnel. He could feel his puckered ring stretching around the slimy object, forcing some lube to escape and trickle down his tight hindquarters.

“Nngh..Aaaahhhh!” He tossed his head back and groaned loudly, the vibrating shaft having struck something deep inside of him which had sent a sharp, unexpected and completely foreign explosion of pleasure from his bowels throughout his entire body, making his cock twitch and his eyes shut tight while his entire body squeezed around the invading object to elicit more of that pleasure.

“Mmmf…oh” he half-moaned, half-roared out into the echoing hangar. “Damn you! You perverted felines!”

“I take no pleasure in this Bolt! I’m just following orders” the black cat replied behind the console.
“Alright, I admit. I do take some pleasure in seeing you like this, but you know what I mean!”

He turned to the barman cat next to him. “Looks like our superdog is digging this. Initiate the second phase!” The barman nodded eagerly and pushed another button.


The machine started sparkling with electricity and Bolt feel a new wave of strong, electrical currents traveling from the pulsating tool inside of him, rushing and streaming through his system, through his spastic penis, down his spine and out his brushy tail, tickling, pleasing and enforcing his pleasure.

Then the rubber toy inside of him slowly slid out of him until only the tip remained in inside his butt, much to the shepherd’s confusion.

This could not be the end of it already? Or was it?

His question was answered when, without warning, the machine heedlessly pushed itself back into his tailhole again, now pistoling in and out of him in strong, powerful thrusts that rocket both table and coaxed moans and cries of pleasure out of the furry hero, loud enough to echo through the entire hangar. Every prod of the artificial member inside of him pounded jolts of desire through the poor canine, who know found himself impulsively pushing back against the rubber toy, wanting as much of it inside of him as possible.

“Woof…Nngh!... Woofaaaahhhh!”

He didn’t even try to suppress the pleasured yelps and gruffs that came out of his muzzle each time the machine pounded into him. Noticing that the metal tentacles around him had loosened up a bit, he reached down and grabbed his now fully erect penis, rubbing the length against his pawpads while his entire body was overcome with explosive shockwaves of orgasmic desire each time that rubber girth was forced inside his receptive body.

Meanwhile the two cats, growing increasingly concerned, stared down at the impossible values and numbers that started showing up on their console.

Suddenly, a burst of electricity shot out from the superdog, traveling through the tentacles down to the rest of machine, making the lights flicker and blue waves of released energy cascade through the instruments.
The sensations squeezed a long, loud moan which rose several octaves as his orgasm draw nearer.

“You cats … Mmmmf …. Better release me! You don’t know watch kind of powers you’re dealing with!”

“We have! The restrainment tentacles aren’t even working anymore!”

“Oh” Bolt looked down and saw that the tentacles had indeed disappeared. The only functioning piece of machinery was the metal tentacle between his legs. The rest was just a mess of reeking, sparkling scraps, glowing from currents of blue electricity seemingly emerging from his own body.

He considered moving, taking that last tentacle in his powerful maw and crushing it, or just escaping, but then the rubber shaft, restarted, twitched and in one fluid motion, throbbed inside his passage again, the sudden return of pleasure causing him to forget completely about any plans to leave. The thrust accompanied by another sharp gasp from the canine and wet and slapping noises coming from the area under his tail each time the vibrating dildo dove into his stretched behind.

“These readings are too high!” The orange-eyed cat turned to his companion. “You’re gonna cause a meltdown! Shut it down!”

“I can’t! It’s not responding!” the barman replied.

Once again the synthetic voice echoed:


Powerless or otherwise unwilling to move from the machine that gave him so much pleasure, the canine’s next surprise came in the form of one last powerful thrust when the remaining metal tentacle buried the rubber carrot deep into his tight tunnel where it then throbbed and enlarged while a steady stream of warm, gooey lube was automatically pushed out of it and into his depths.

The white shepherd felt as though we was going to explode. The sensation was not like anything he had ever experienced before.

Feeling that big, vibrating bulge of artificial cock pop inside and swell made Bolt’s surge of pleasure multiply, bringing the canine to a powerful, inevitable climax that made every muscle in his sensitive body seize up, his shaft twitch against the soft fur of his tummy and a stream of thick white cream shoot out of his quivering tip, spraying his chestfur, his nose and his face in white, sticky doggy jizz. Meanwhile, a shockwave of energy shout out from him and flowed through the facility.

Clenching around the electric rubber mass inside of him, he roaring out his euphoria while rubbing his red length with his paw which was still shooting thick spurts of cum over himself and the machine.

Coming down from his intense climax, Bolt noticed that he was surrounded by waves of orange energy currents which rushed through the entire facility, engulfing him, the hangar and the sparkling machinery in an overwhelming glow, expanding in all directions like a forceful, unstoppable shockwave, which swept away and took with it his surroundings. He could see the two calico cats hiding behind the fried control panel while the walls crumbled and sirens sounded.

Then suddenly, the calico cats, the machinery and the entire hangar vanished, being replaced by pure, whiteness. Finding himself floating in a white void, Bolt looked up to see a strange grid of hexagons stretching around him like a dome, then they blacked out one after one until all he could see was darkness.

Needless to say, Bolt was confused.

He could hear muffled voices, somebody took his helmet off and a familiar, pretty face came into view.

“Hey Bolty!”

He yapped happily, his confused expression having morphed into a wide, goofy grin upon seeing his person.

She leaned over him, pulling away electrodes and straps, releasing her dog from the reclining armchair he was laying on.

“It was just a simulation, buddy. You’re back with me now.”

I knew that. Bolt pounced forward, burying his big head in her arms, eagerly demanding affection from his person who knelt down and embracing him fully, tousling his ears and running her fingers through the softness of his fur. He provided her face with several loving licks. She giggled and held him closer.

Their moment was interrupted when suddenly, the door to the simulation room flew open.

“This is a disaster!” A tall man with a white coat and thick black glasses emerged. He carried a tablet, his fingers flying over the touch screen.

“It says here that your dog’s orgasm created a harmonic reflux, destroying the virtual facility AND crashing our software!”

- “Then maybe the problem is your software?” she ruffled her dog between the ears. “Wait, did you say orgasm?”

-“You take a look!” he handed her the tablet.

She raised an eyebrow as she skimmed through the contents of the recording with a mix of surprise and curiosity. This was certainly unusual.

“Why would you simulate this?”

- “We didn’t! The subject is in control of the stimulation. The virtual world shapes after his neuroformatic responses. The hangar was supposed to house Calico and a dozen of hovertanks, resulting in an epic boss-fight. But your dog changes the outcome and started all this weird calico cat, plot-twist, squeaky-toy-dildo-machine nonsenses.”

- “Oh gosh. He must have been really pent up.” She followed the carrots motions on the screen, both astonished and intrigued by her dog’s revealed kinkiness. She made a mental note for later.

- “Your father says we only got a few days until Calico’s gone for good. We can’t strike until he can pass this mission, and he can’t pass this mission if he keeps crashing the simulation and…

- “He’ll be ready when the time comes. In the meantime, just get us some training sim that works. ” she waved off the scientist. Penny loved her dad, but had limited patience for his scientist friends.

- “Fine. But I’ll have to fix the equipment. Your friend here fried our mainframe“. The scientist reached after his tablet, but Penny picked it up.

“I’ll just keep this for now if it’s okay. Need some analyze his err … tactics.”

- “Whatever”. The scientists shrugged and left.

“We sure got rid of him, didn’t we?” Bolt yapped in response.

“And maybe now I can tend to this”. Her hand traced down the soft fur of his tummy until her fingers reached the outline of his plump, milk-white sheath. She placed a delicate finger on his red tip which was already sticking out, readily visible.

“Seems like that simulation got you more than a little excited, huh buddy?”

"Oh gosh, I hadn’t even noticed."

He felt his cheeks reddening a bit while the girl’s fingers traced against the counter of his growing meat, curling around his now half-emerged member.

"Maybe we should continue this mission somewhere more private – oh!"

He gasped as his person kissed across his balls, his sheath and the underside of his hot red flesh. She smiled as she felt his hero tense beneath her with every touch. Slipping her lips around the tip of his cock with practiced ease while her fingers traveled behind his swelling knot, causing the superdog to give a faint high-pitched yelp. Looking up, she could see him leaning back in the chair, his tongue lolled out and his tail happily beating against the cushion happily. Licking away some precum from his tip, she looked up at her superdog.

“How does that feel, buddy?”

“Ohmygosh… Penny I… Oh!”

The discombobulated canine was interrupted as his person returned to his engorging member and without hesitation slurped the first few inches of doggy cock, her lips sliding down the sensitive length coaxing out more of the red length from his sheath as well as series of pleasured little yelps and squeaks from the shepherd.

Bolt gasped. His body trembled. His meat twitched favorably, happy to be surrounded by the warm wet mouth of his person. A frisky hand traveled down, cupping his furry orbs, giving them a gentle squeeze. Out of the corner of her vision, Penny could Bolt quiver in pleasure. She couldn’t help smiling to herself, at least to the extent possible around the mouthful of shaft, at the sight of her dog completely overcome with pleasure. Pleasure only she could give him.

I’m not gonna last if you keep doing that!”

Bolt wasn’t lying. He could fell something familiar build up inside of him, a tingling sensation that spread from his groin through his entire body and back to his groin, causing and his hips to instinctively buck upwards. He felt his balls contract to his body, his cock twitch, once, twice, then…

Oh. Oh! Penny. I’m gonna… cuummmmooaahhh!

He exploded into her, squirting out his rich canine cream in spurt after spurt into his beloved person who did her best to swallow the copious amounts. Angling his hot length to catch as much as possible of the thick spurts, she let her lips sink down to the swell of his knot, engulfing the superdog who howled in pleasure.

After several minutes, the canine’s penis was still pulsing and Bolt himself had been transformed into a wimping puddle of pleasure, leaned back on the cushion, tongue-out, eyes-closed, completely overcome with a deep afterglow. His person gave his tip a last lick, brushing away the last few drops of canine seed before laying down next to the panting dog.

“You must have been more pent-up then I thought, Bolty!”

Bolt woofed in agreement.

She pulled his furry body closer, burying her freckled face in the thick of his soft fur, sharing in the warmth of his afterglow.

“You’re such a good boy” she whispered into his fur, with a voice reserved only for him, before placing a kiss on his lips. Her exhausted champion’s tail wagged softly while looking up at his person with adoration.

You’re such a pretty person!

She looked down on the cum-drenched cushion.

“We should probably restrict our fun to the trailer from now on, huh buddy?”

He woofed in agreement.

She saw the tablet, picked up and wiped some cum from screen. The video was paused right in the middle of Bolt’s fictional predicament, the glowing carrot snuggly inserted into the moaning superdog. Producing a little memory-stick from the pocket, she plugged in and began the transfer.

“Now this is a keeper.”

The white shepherd blushed.

I didn’t realize you could see that…

“And when we back to the trailer, I got some ideas for another experiment I think you’d like”. She flashed her dog a naughty smile. “Something involving a certain Mr. Carrot…”

  • Comments
  • lertcon2014 said:
    Anyone got a link to the story itself or the writer's profile?

    Check the description for the story, and the writer's profile can be located in the source under the Statistics. I think.

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  • Awesome_Ben said:
    i looooooovvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeee dis sooooooo much
    i think penny should get another dog though

    To give Bolt someone to play with perhaps? =3

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  • lertcon2014 said:
    To give Bolt someone to play with perhaps? =3

    exactly but it has to be bolts boyfriend dodger

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  • yomom said:
    why is bolt's asshole in-between his nuts and penis?

    yeah i think you need to look at this picture again and please take a long and hard look at it

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