fuxy fulamose, scp-2547, and scp-2547-1 (scp foundation) created by unusualmatias
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Had the opportunity to get a follow up piece of the raffle prize unusualmatias drew and took it wholeheartedly. So here we see the aftermath of SCP-2547's time with Fuxy, Of course with a tiny story included like last time. :3

Art and rendition of SCP-2547 : unusualmatias

Fuxy: Mine.


Grunts of exertion filled the small spartan room. The sounds of hard, rough mating escaped through the cracks of the closed door and the privacy curtains covering the window. The crowd of pack members outside had been there since the sounds had started at around dusk, when the Coyote Preacher had locked herself in with the fox she had her eyes on.

It was quiet at first, their muffled voices discussing something. The fox sounded more panicked about the discussion than the coyote, but the muffling from the walls prevented them from understanding what was said. But at least a little light was shed soon after once the sounds of gagging and something beating against the walls could be heard.

After that, many were able to guess what was going on. But soon the gags were replaced with gasps, then the sounds of pained and pleasured cries, the loudest of which came from the preacher. It was still hard to hear exactly what was said, but some words had made it through.

“Come on, Moan for me!” The preacher would yell that out a few times, the “TWUMPS” and “CLAPS” becoming noticeably louder before the fox would become audible again.

“You love this, don’t you? Tell me what you love… SAY IT!” After her demand, the sounds of mating would soon be joined with the steadily building clatter of what sounded like a table being jostled around.

“I-I love being the pack breeding toy! I-I’ll do anything you want. Just please slow down!”

“A good toy doesn’t make demands!” Almost as if to punish the fox for daring to demand anything of her during this near ritualistic love making, not only would the sounds speed up, but they would also become that much louder as the fox begged for mercy.

This would continue for a long while, the sounds of rough sex and cries of wild debauchery soon climbing to a crescendo in the wee hours of the morning, just as the rising sun shone through the curtains. Suddenly the crowd was startled as the Preacher ripped the curtains open to let the light flood the room. This had the added benefit of displaying her handy work to the gathered crowd.

On a covered table lay the poor fox, who had spent the entire night being the coyote’s plaything, his body matted with sweat and cum while his ass was filled to bursting with her seed. His tail twitched with the beating of his heart as he laid there with his ass metaphorically (and possibly literally) caved in. The hand of the coyote patted his head as she made for the door, stopping just before it to say;

"You did well bud, now get ready for the rest of the pack."

A small whimper came from the fox, too weak to do anything else.

This wasn’t going to end anytime soon, especially as the gathered crowd slowly trickled into the room.

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