rum chaser (mythology) created by keishinkae
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Story Bit

Monster attacks on the city have been on the rise for a while, now it seems like there's one a week in your neighborhood. It's almost enough for you to move back to Podunk, Nowhere.

Thankfully, sorta, Some...'Heroes' had come up to help, in skimpy, stupid outfits with usualy odd weapons that made them not only look silly, but look like they should be doing anything BUT fighting monsters and demons.

And there, reeking so much of alcohol that you can literally smell it from ten feet away, is a perfect example, Magical 'Hero' Bacchanalian Skies. Now admittedly, his power is pretty decent, and he made use of an actual weapon unlike a few others you have seen since moving to the city, but the equine is in a skirt so short anyone and everyone could see his pony-dick flopping as he stumbled about like an idiot, flipping and dodging, his bullets veering around to hit each target dead on, his odd little friend trying to keep up while carrying a bottle of booze that seems as big as it is, Skies occasionally flinging a gun up to catch a swing himself.

You just can't understand how this visibly stumbling drunk could have the sort of following you'd seen around town, people fanatic enough to put uncensored pic of him on their t-shirts in public. Yeah, his powers were cool, but what sort of guy...

Is he pointing his gun at you?

The resounding bang of the revolver startles you so much it takes you a moment to realise you weren't hit, instead a loud thump sounds behind you. You look back to see what remains of a monster, it's body disintegrating as monsters tend to do (For reasons you aren't sure you want to understand) and you realize you were second from death without even knowing it. This big, gnarly thing was about ready to take a bite out of you and all you were thinking about was-

"Hey, you alrigh'?" A voice slurred slightly, your attention. You look up and find Bacchanalian Skies swaying idly right in front of you, and your eyes can't help but notice something else swaying in front of you. You aren't sure why, but...You just can't force yourself to look away...

"H-hey, you are hur't righ'?" Skies slurred again, stepping closer, making his pendulous pecker swing not more than a foot in front of your face. The stench of booze was powerful, but there is something underneath it, something that has your body heating up, your pulse quickening, you mouth open and panting, which brings more of that faint smell into your system and heightens things even more.

"Eh!?" Was all the equine could get out as you lurch forward, your mouth latching onto his dick, the flat-tipped cock filling your mouth as you moan around it.

"Oh-ah, if ya wanted to thank, me, you just had t' say so," Skies chuckled, one of his guns starts to hover in the air as he runs his fingers through your hair, "Al-always happy to accept the thanks of a grateful cit'zen."

You're not even paying attention at the moment, except maybe to the feel of his fingers on your scalp, his hips swaying slightly, sawing his dick in and out of your mouth bit by bit.

"Baccu-chyan!" Skies calls out, his second gun floating next to the first as he raises his hand. His fairy-winged fox friend tosses the bottle to the magical warrior. Skies catches the bottle, but stumbles forward a little as he does, driving more of his cock down your throat than you were ready for. Despite that, though, it slips down easy, the still hardening cock somehow works it way down your gullet without issue, the ring in the middle popping past your lips.

"Mnnn," you faintly hear a muffled moan, but you can't be sure if it's Skies' as he wraps his lips around the bottleneck, or your own as your lips stretch around his horse-cock, but at this point you don't care, your hands have worked their way up his skirt, gripping his hips to pull more in. His hips thrust, his balls swaying beneath his thick shaft, the smell of sweat, musk and booze wafts towards you, filling your senses as you feel his cock begin to throb in your throat.

You know what's coming, you want need it...

"Mn, you wanna drink?" Skies asks, waving the bottle in front of your face, but you don't relent. You hum, suck and lick as much of his cock as you can, one of your hands working the part of his shaft you haven't swallowed while the other is tenderly gripping his balls.

"Oh, so tha's what you wanna drink?" he chuckles, handing the bottle back to his little friend as he runs both hands over your head, now actually thrusting as he buries more and more cock into your body. You love it, you feel oddly drunk on the pleasure, your hands falling limp at your sides as your body quivers, his balls thump lightly against your chin, the smell of his body fills your senses.

"Well th'n,!" he pulls your face flush against his crotch, cumming almost directly into your belly. At the same time, you can feel your own body seize, your own orgasm washing suddenly over your body. Your belly fills to the point of swelling but it doesn't hurt, your throat is blocked by the swollen cock but air doesn't seem to be a problem. All that matters at this moment is the taste, the smell, the feel of this act.

It was wonderful...

It was unbelievable...

It was...Magical...

"Bacchanalian Skies! Bacchanalian Skies!" A high, squeaky voice breaks your trance, if only slightly, "There's a monster attack near the pier!"

"Wha'?" Skies slurred, "Ah, damnit," disappointment fills you as he pulls his cock free of your throat, which is reluctant to let go. Lingering spurts of cum start to line your throat as you try and suck out as much as you can, ending with a loud 'pop' as the flared head pulls out of your mouth, cum spraying over your face.

"Sorry civi, duty calls, ya' know?" that doesn't stop him from squeezing out a few last drops onto your face, which you welcome happily, before releasing his cock to swing freely again as it was before, save for the sheen of your spit-shine.

You watch the Hero leave again to battle evil, your body refusing your mind's desire to follow after him. YOu could only hope he would save you again in the future, so you could thank him more intimately...


Something I got from Keishinkae from a Magical GIrl Sale using some random calculator thing. Dice rolled and we ended up with...

Theme:Flight Attendant
Magic:Metal Manipulation
Companion:Fairy Fox (Who I have named Baccu-Chan)
Colors: Sunset+Bubble gum

And here we have it, evil-doers are fucked. The snippet was something I came up with as an experiment in present-tense second person perspective.

  • Comments
  • H3xx said:
    That story was hot... I definitely want to see that illustrated...

    Would be cool, but would cost a lot. Glad you liked it, though

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