created by varlus
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It was senior year of high school, and the last chance she would ever have to go to prom. She was usually too shy to ask anyone out, especially since she was regularly bullied for her unusual and freaky hybridization... But she didn't want to pass up prom, she wanted to have that memory, even if it was underwhelming. She found a young man to ask out, someone else a little too shy to be taken by anyone else. She didn't know if he was really interested in her, or if he also just didn't want to be seen as a loser clear til the end. It didn't matter, for the next week she was over the moon about going to prom. Her dad couldn't have been happier for her, but sternly warned her of something grave. Her mother, a spider, had died after laying her egg, as spiders do. No one knew how much she potential took after her, if she would live if she ever got pregnant. Most fathers don't want their little girls having accidents, but her dad more than anyone. She nodded her way through the awkward conversation, she didn't really think she'd be having sex... At least not PIV sex. After finding a beautiful black flora dress without any pesky shoulder straps, and being dropped off at prom, there he was. An unassuming Doberman usually, but looked like a whole new dog while in a tux.

The two went into the cafeteria together with their arms locked. They didn't mingle much since they were both outcasts, and just had some snacks and drinks while enjoying the music. It was a lot more boring than she thought it would be, but she made it, she could now say she went to at least one prom. The Doberman felt similarly, but bumbled his way into asking if she had a car. "A car?" she was confused. "No, why?".

The dobe seemed extra anxious now having to spell it out for her. "So we can... Be alone. I don't have one either." She covered her mouth with one of her hands, what her father had told her shortly before coming crept back into her head... But that was just for PIV right? She did want something special to remember for prom, and prom itself wasn't fun enough to be it. Doing something sexual for the first time however... While she was weighing her options, the Doberman spoke up again. "Uh, I know it's not that dark out so it could be risky.... But maybe we can slip out and head behind the old warehouse? No one ever goes there." except maybe some drunks, she thought. She didn't ponder long, they weren't doing anything here other than stuffing their face with punch and crackers, going behind the warehouse would be exciting!

She told herself that she wouldn't let things go too far, especially now that they were going to be doing things in public. The two snuck out of the school and briskly walked away from the scene. It seemed as if no one noticed. There wasn't much talk on the way over, but they held hands. Both a little tense but with excitement about what they were doing. As the Doberman said, no one was around the old warehouse, it was abandoned before she was even hatched. The two went to the back of the building, no one from the roads could see them and only if someone else was trying to hide something would come back here. The two nervously stood there, but the tigress used her arms as a distraction. She used most of them to do gestures, and pulled the Doberman's attention away from one of her lower arms, which she used to slide her fingers along his belt line. He quietly gasped, but grew a big grin on his face at the advancment. He let her pull his pants down a little bit as he went to undo his bowtie. He spoke softly. "We're wearing really nice clothes, we shouldn't let them get dirty by sitting on the dirt with them."

She nodded and reached back to start undoing the zipper on her dress. The two looked away from each other, or tried, as they shared glances. The tigress let her dress fall some, using her upper arms to cover her breasts and using the other two to continue pulling the dress down. The Doberman was already down to his briefs, and was folding his clothes to put on some steps that were beside them. The two stood there looking at each other for a moment, just a few moments away from seeing each other completely naked. The Doberman went first, and tossed his briefs aside from his ankles. His knot visibly bulging under his skin and only his tip peaking out. The tigress, as white as she was, was practically changing color as she blushed. She slowly removed her dressed and her bare pussy was revealed as she also folded her clothes and sat them on top of his. She lifted her hands from her breasts, showing that she had no nipples.

The Doberman was staring hard at this, and without thinking or asking moved his hands up to touch her. She grabbed his wrists with her bottom arms, then grabbed his head with her upper and pulled him into a kiss. She couldn't believe what she just did, what he just did, what they were doing back here. Her thoughts slipped away once the Doberman slipped his tongue into her mouth, the two becoming over taken with teenage lust. She let go of his wrists and let herself get fondled, her hands instead trailing down his stomach to find that he was fully erect now. She was hesitant to touch it directly, and anxiety over what her dad told her came flooding back in because she started to really want PIV after all... She didn't think she would be so eager, her body had a mind of its own. She moved his head away from the kiss and tried to work up the nerve to tell him that they needed to take it slow. She just looked at him with hungry eyes though, and he motioned them to the group with him on top. She with her ability to overwhelm him with extra arms, put him on the ground and she climbed on top. He didn't fight it much, and felt up her many arms, throbbibg and waiting for her to make the next move.

She finally mustered the ability to speak and told him "Whatever you do, don't cum in me." he nodded, of course he shouldn't, no one wants kids right after high school. She repeated "Please don't cum in me..." as she tested putting him inside her. She didn't say that there was an extra concern if she would fall pregnant. She struggled a little at first to take him, the smallest bit of stretching made her worry about pain, but the Doberman began pushing her down. She gasped because she just slid right down and hit his hips, taking his knot, with no pain. She thought it would take more effort, she didn't realize just how aroused she was. The two looked at each other, both a bit in awe that that happened, that they were actually having sex, right here, on the ground in public, for the first time. This truly was going to be a prom night to remember. The tigress began slowly rocking back and forth, before lifting herself up and undoing the knot. This made her feel a little safer, if he started to cum she could just quickly get off of him. He would just have to tell her he was about to cum. She repeated again in a whisper he might not have even hears, "Don't cum in me..." she rode him softly, but he began bucking his hips to go faster. The two were enjoying themselves, but it all only lasted a few minutes. The Doberman reached to squeeze her tits and started to moan out that he was going to cum. She immediately tried to lift herself off of him but his knot that she so easily took before, swelled tremendously and he was about to get off. It couldn't be helped, he fully ejaculated into her. The Doberman was feeling pretty great, but something inside the tigress snapped. Without thinking, her thorax swiftly moved forward and stabbed the dog under her. He yelped in pain and asked what she was doing. She was also in shock, but couldn't control her movements, it was like muscle spasms that were just completely out of her control. She watched helplessly as her body continued to inject him with a paralyzing venom, she covered his mouth out of fear of someone coming, until he stopped speaking. She began to cry, she had just killed him, if he wasn't already dead he would soon be. She still couldn't pull herself from him, it almost seemed like the venom made him harder. Unfortunately the horror wasn't over.

She began to feel a deep hunger, logic was fading and his once normal flesh was starting to look very tasty as his innards got even softer. She started repeating to herself out of sheer grief and shock "I told you not to cum in me, I told you not to cum in me, I told you not to cum in me"as she started to piece his flesh with her claws. She took a chunk out of him and shoved it in her mouth, the feeling was blissful, what she was doing felt right. She kept repeating the phrase "I told you not to cum in me, I told you not to cum in me" while she started ripping out his innards, until she was pulling them out in an emotional rage as much as she was for consumption. "I told you not to cum in me, I told you not to cum in me, but you wouldn't fucking listen!" she didn't know how much time was passing, by the time she was able to remove herself from his knot and come back to her senses, what laid before her was a heavily mutilated corpse. She felt sick, and even threw up some of what she had eaten. She was dizzy with fear and grief at what she had done. She didn't know what to do, she couldn't go back to town, she murdered and cannibalize him! She did the only thing she could, she put her dress back on and ran. Ran as far as she could, out to no where. This was a prom night she'd never forget...

  • Comments
  • Story tldr her mother was a spider and so she did the spider thing and ate the male whom bred her.

    This is a realistic our come for such a hybrid and any pairing with a spider girl so good job on realism, at the same time this is also disturbing. I'd actually like to see more of this girl.

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