lyn created by lazysnout
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Respect the tummy! ๐Ÿ˜ค

Source description (FurAffinity)

During these years of quarantine, I've put on a bit of weight. A lot because of mental health, a little bit because of being stuck inside without exercise, a little bit because of hormones.
A few years ago I would have been freaked out about this: I used to have a very unhealthy relationship with food and my body. But right now, I don't mind the extra weight! I might lose it in the future, I might not. What I know is that it's still part of me and that there's things I value more in my life than my physical looks.
So as a reminder to myself, here's a portrait of my sona with a body type that's closer to what I have right now, stretch marks and all! I might start to draw them like that now, or just keep this as an experiment. That's the cool part of having a fursona, right?

So, in conclusion... respect the tummy!

Pronouns are they/them :)

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